Topic: 2 more foil full art forests!!!!!

I need 2 more full art foil forests to finish pimping out my mono green edh deck!!! Come on guys 2 more, help a brother out. I have a foil avon zen plains I'll swap plus anything in my lists are for trade. I'll trade for zendikar or unhinged ones. Hook me up guys, it will be much appreciated! Thanks smile

Re: 2 more foil full art forests!!!!!

Check...make it 1 more to go people!!!!

Re: 2 more foil full art forests!!!!!


Re: 2 more foil full art forests!!!!!

if ur still looking depending on what ur offering i might know a card shop that has one zen forest foil but idr the #

Re: 2 more foil full art forests!!!!!

I don't care which art it is, take a look at my stuff and see if there's anything you want, I have a domri I could part with

Last edited by Themaddhatter2304 (2014-01-23 01:17:03)

Re: 2 more foil full art forests!!!!!

Who's your general? Can I see a decklist? big_smile

Re: 2 more foil full art forests!!!!!

Yeva is my general and the deck list is on my profile, deck name army of Yeva, I'm not exactly sure how up to date the list is bit it's pretty close, the only Jon foil is regal force but my foil regl force should arrive tomorrow or Friday

Re: 2 more foil full art forests!!!!!

Unfortunately I have no means of helping you out, but congratulations on foiling your deck! I usually get 10 or so cards from my deck foiled before I decide it isn't worth it tongue

I collect funny, epic, or unique flavor texts (foil if applicable)
Looking to purchase one player rewards and one judge foil Wasteland.
Tradelist | Wishist

Re: 2 more foil full art forests!!!!!

Yea it's all foil just want all full art lands...I'm greedy lol

Re: 2 more foil full art forests!!!!!
