Topic: Born of Gods, yet another turd?

Just wondering how many other players are underwhelmed by wizards latest turd pile of cards.  Such a limited number of decent cards >_<

Re: Born of Gods, yet another turd?

Well think of it this way, the current top deck is playing desecration demon, pack rat, and night veil specter, all of which were major duds when they first released. Mono blue devotion is just a pile of unplayables and one bomb held together with love, devotion, and card draw. It appears Wizards is making a conscious effort to reign back the power level of standard a notch or two.

It is a little unfortunate that we didn't get too much to shake up the format when it was starting to get a little stale, but there may yet be a few cards to prove their worth in this set.

And in other news, limited is as fun as ever. Inspired is a great limited ability that rewards you for being the beat down deck, and makes attacking a lot more interesting. Using pump spells to force through questionable at best attacks leads to some unique deck building and play style choices.

I collect funny, epic, or unique flavor texts (foil if applicable)
Looking to purchase one player rewards and one judge foil Wasteland.
Tradelist | Wishist

Re: Born of Gods, yet another turd?

Wrong forum.