Topic: Inventory has several field options missing: languages & properties

I'm trying to use the inventory on this site to give me an accurate description of my collection but there are so many things missing

There are so many extra languages that need to be options, some languages vary the value of a card quiet a lot.
Also why no have at least altered and signed as property options?

Or am I missing some configuration option that should be more obvious?

Re: Inventory has several field options missing: languages & properties


We're adding signed and altered as card options for our next update.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "so many extra languages that need to be options".

Re: Inventory has several field options missing: languages & properties

Where is korean?

Return to Ravnica will be printed in:
English, (currently supported)
Chinese Simplified,
Chinese Traditional, (only one of these two you support)
French, (currently supported)
German, (currently supported)
Italian, (currently supported)
Japanese, (currently supported)
Korean, (Not)
Portuguese, (Not)
Russian, (currently supported)
Spanish (unsure)

Last edited by LovesTha (2012-04-13 00:16:32)