Topic: Need Kamigawa Block -


Looking for a few more cards for my Kamigawa collection

Check out my tradelist

Last edited by twbird18 (2012-05-11 16:38:48)

Re: Need Kamigawa Block -


Re: Need Kamigawa Block -

I have a ton of the CoK block (yes it's funny) stuff you have on your wishlist.  You don't have anything on your tradelist I am actively seeking but the wasteland and Grindstone are good trade stock so I think we can make a deal. 

I don't have a ton of time at the moment to look through your whole wishlist for kamigawa commons/uncommons you're chasing but odds are I have them.

Make me an offer!

Re: Need Kamigawa Block -

twbird18 wrote:


I have quite a bit of CoK as well... I don't have commons or most uncommons listed, but I'd be happy to look through that too. I'd be more than happy to trade away everything that's listed when you click on my profile, though.

Re: Need Kamigawa Block -

Pretty sure I have about 95% of the random Kamigawa stuff you want. I'll look through my rare boxes tonight and get a list for you.

Re: Need Kamigawa Block -

Sounds great, let me know what you find and what you'd like to get for it.

Re: Need Kamigawa Block -

Proposed a trade one deckbox today. Feel free to change it however you'd like, I was just throwing up some stuff that was on your wishlist. Thanks a bunch!

Last edited by Farodsbro (2012-04-25 20:47:53)

Re: Need Kamigawa Block -

Sent you a trade request.

Re: Need Kamigawa Block -


Re: Need Kamigawa Block -
