Topic: Card name as a default search in card database

So I'm not sure if I'm missing anything, but every single time I want to look up a magic card I have to select card database, then click advanced search, and then add name as a search option. Type, edition, format, and color are all default options before this.... If there is a way to change this let me know, but it's kind of maddening having to do that 20+ times a day.

Re: Card name as a default search in card database

On any page you should be able to hit Ctrl+I and just start typing.

Re: Card name as a default search in card database

I'm a dingus. I should have whined about a nonexistent problem months ago.

Re: Card name as a default search in card database

Don't worry, that feature was only released a month ago, so you aren't too far behind the times.