Topic: Add 'Discuss with Trader' Button

As a Deckbox trader I want my trade partner to get an email notification when I initiate a trade with them. Currently if I open a trade and Propose a configuration the trader will get an email notification, but what if I need the trader's feedback before I propose a configuration? The current workaround is to click Propose anyway and then revoke the proposal by modifying the trade (as previously mentioned, a Revoke Proposal button would be nice). Adding a Discuss with Trader button that sends an email to the trader would allow me to get the trader's attention without having to create a "fake" proposal. This serves the same functionality as the Discuss with Seller button in Ordering, but in Trading.


Re: Add 'Discuss with Trader' Button

Doesn't the send message do the same thing? Or are you just wanting the send message to also send an email notification?

Re: Add 'Discuss with Trader' Button

wonderdog79 wrote:

Doesn't the send message do the same thing?

Chat messages do not trigger emails at all, AFAICT.

wonderdog79 wrote:

Or are you just wanting the send message to also send an email notification?

That would result in way too many emails, unless it were to only send an email on the first chat message. This is not as good as a 'Discuss with Trader' button because then the user might get two emails for the same trade if their partner types in the chat and then proposes. Having a button makes it a clear alternative to proposing. The button would only appear if a proposal has not been made in the trade and the other trader has not seen the chat.

Re: Add 'Discuss with Trader' Button

An email will be sent if a message is unread for a certain amount of time. Not sure if it's 12 or 24 hours. Something like that. Just throwing that out there.

I'm with you though, d72B, it would be nice to have a "Send notification" button. It would have to have restrictions on it though. Don't want someone trolling me with 700 emails.