Topic: scion the ur dragon

hey all im planning on making my first 5 color commander deck and want it to be scion. im planning on making it a cheaper deck at first and then progressively make it better and more expensive and was wanting some help as to what i should get to start the deck off. i still want to make it a dragon deck and not just a 5 color toolbox deck. any and all help is extremely appreciated!

Re: scion the ur dragon

Living Death! Definitely get this one.
Numot, the Devastator
Nicol Bolas (not planeswalker)
roughly $7 for the 3

Re: scion the ur dragon

When I think dragons in EDH Scourge of the Throne, Hellkite Tyrant and Utvara Hellkite always come to mind. Maybe Bladewing the Risen and Dragon Arch?

Re: scion the ur dragon

You'll definitely want Dragonstorm (about $1) and Scourge of Valkas ($1.75)

Re: scion the ur dragon

Also there's a number of cards that make dragon tokens - Day of the Dragons, Broodmate Dragon, Dragon Roost to name a few. & If you're using them, you'll want the token doubling enchantments too.

Re: scion the ur dragon

don't forget to fill it mana rocks and mana dorks also the new Tarkir Dragons will crank it up another notch

Re: scion the ur dragon

Death by dragons makes everybody (but one person) happy!