Topic: Community Location Issues


Where are the information pulled from, when selected a location when creating a community?
For instance, selecting Denmark as a country, you can select Denmark as a region as well.

Also, there is a lot of cities missing, and one is misspelled:
<option value="1503">Fredericksberg</option>
Should be "Frederiksberg"

Is this user submitted or?

Re: Community Location Issues

It's a freely available location database that we have imported, provided by a database company. Not the best data, but I could not afford the best data smile. I will all problematic issues manually when reported though.

Re: Community Location Issues

sebi wrote:

It's a freely available location database that we have imported, provided by a database company. Not the best data, but I could not afford the best data smile. I will all problematic issues manually when reported though.

If needed, I can provide you with a better list, or correct the existing one