Topic: Feature request: last trade completed

Overall I really enjoy this site, but one thing I dislike is that when I look at my trading opportunities and find a nice match of cards to trade with somebody ... 95% of the time, they haven't made a trade in 2+ years (even though they have logged in within the last week).  They usually are no longer using this site to trade, just to keep an inventory of their collection.

I waste so much of my time looking for trades with people who stopped trading in 2013; it is rather annoying.

So, in the future is there any way we could get a filter added to the "trading opportunities" search where we could select people who have completed a trade in the last [3 months, 6 months, 12 months] ... where 6 months is the default maybe?

Re: Feature request: last trade completed

Yep, makes sense. added it to the roadmap.

Re: Feature request: last trade completed

I didn't realize that this happens a lot. I would have thought these people just mark their accounts as "Not Trading" to not be bothered by other users proposing trades.