Thats fair
. Though it is always helpful if you mention in OP if this is buget.
Either way, I would seriously look into Fleshbag Marauder. The ability to have a creature that triggers your Cutthroat and forces your opponent to sac a creature insane. It is just a common so it wont break the bank. I am not a huge fan of Grave Birthing. if you are just looking for creatures to sac then there are better ones and if you are looking for card draw there is Painful Truths.
There is also the Rally the Ancestors build if you want to move in that direction. It is exactly what you are doing and I am sure you can change things around to fit your budget. Kalastria Healer makes the deck awesome as well since it is another source of drain.
Ok, so for the main deck I would look into these changes:
-2 Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury
-2 Grave Birthing
-4 Secure the Wastes
-2 Exquisite Firecraft
+4 Kalastria Healer
+3 Rally the Ancestors
+3 Fleshbag Marauder
The ability to sac all your stuff to your Husk and draining them with Zulaport Cutthroat, then casting Rally to get it all back and draining more from Kalastria Healer, and sacing it all again to husk and then the final set of draining. It seems like a perfect world situation but I have seen it happen more often then you would think.
Last edited by valdor (2015-10-27 15:36:04)