Topic: Ticket escalation?


I am a premium user who is extremely dissatisfied with the way your moderator has handled my report of another trader lying about the condition of his cards. Is there a way to escalate the ticket to have a senior moderator review it? Thank you.

Re: Ticket escalation?

I have a very thin tolerance for aggressive language and behavior, since it has in the past always lead to big problems in bad trade reports. I have tried to advise you repeatedly on the dispute thread that a friendly discussion is the way to solve things, not constant accusations.

You have chosen not only to continue with them and your harrassment of your trade partner, but to also threaten me and the website.

I think it's time we part ways. I will refund the money you paid for services here and suspend your account.

Last edited by sebi (2015-12-11 11:45:19)

Re: Ticket escalation?

Just to conclude this in a transparent way, I have publicly posted the dispute since it has stirred up considerable debate: … rg/cxvdryf

Re: Ticket escalation?

This guy is a jerk and I understand banning him but I think one thing that might get lost here is that greenmage (who I've had positive experiences with in the past) probably does deserve more than a slap on the wrist for what he did, assuming the public chat accurately relays the facts. If someone asks whether your cards are NM and you give an evasive/misleading answer in order to justify sending non-NM cards, then what you've done is completely unacceptable. I understand that the dispute process wants people to resolve things on their own and negative feedback is used very sparingly, but this tends to allow people to get away with sketchy behavior. And yeah that sketchy behavior can set people off and we can ban those people as toxic, but we should really be looking at the deeper causes of that toxicity.

Usually I'm willing to assume when I receive shitty cards it's just a mistake or I failed to investigate the conditions enough beforehand (which arguably shouldn't be necessary, but w/e.) I would be pretty mad if I felt someone had just straight-up lied or used some sort of wordplay to send me shitty cards, though. I wouldn't have reacted this way, but at the same time it represents a problem for the site if users learn that they can take advantage of the good faith extended to them by others.

I strongly feel that if greenmage was willing to acknowledge that the cards weren't NM he should've offered to pay for the return - in the cases where I've messed up on a trade (most commonly when I've sent someone the wrong cards on accident) I've always offered to do this, because it is my fault that this happened. I don't want to get too much into critiquing the entire arbitration process but simply letting him off with unwinding the trade seems way too lenient.

Last edited by 9700377 (2015-12-11 18:20:49)

Re: Ticket escalation?

I agree with the sentiment that not enough was done by green to explain the nature of his cards.  However passableghost over reacted severely.  He had no right to demand anything then that they undo the trade and to leave negative feedback for green for not being due-diligent on his side.

Looking at the trade we're talking about $10 worth of stuff... people can argue principal all day long but in the end it's just not worth the time/effort to get twisted over those values.