Topic: Breaking into legacy

Hi guys, im looking to break into legacy and need many of the staple cards such as dual lands and fetch lands. I have a bunch of decent standard stuff- I'm not concerned with condition. Let me know what you have!

Re: Breaking into legacy

Legacy is intnersting. Basically played with any card from any set, exept the long list banned. Lol first what colors is your deck going to be? Like strategy wise?
Dual lands and fetch lands are always good. The way I see it, the most important feature of mtg is not powerfull creatures, or mana ramping enchantments and spells- it is your life total. That number alone decides the fate of a win or loss regarless if you have a massive army, dual lands ect ect. All those things are meant to help keep you from dieing, and eliminate ur opponent in the process.
Either look for powerfull protection spells, or damage dealing cards if your playing in tournements. Cus honestly, people that are experienced in those games think their the best players ever because they take advantage of either new players, or use life gain and dealing damage stuff tongue
What are some decent stuff u had? Cus others may see and be more selective about trades that may benifet you. big_smile

Re: Breaking into legacy

I have tamiyo and sorin lord of innistrad, entreat the angels, all the tiatans, elesh norn and some more things.

Re: Breaking into legacy

The key to Legacy is deck speed.  The longer it takes to get the deck rolling, the harder it will be to win.  You don't really need expensive cards to have a successful deck though, you just need the cards to work well together.  Your best bet is to look at the money cards that you already own and see how well they'd work in a Legacy build.  If you can make them work, then keep them (any card you don't have to chase down is a plus), but if they're not really good outside of Standard, I'd say trade them for cards that are.  Also, don't discount modern dual lands.  Badlands is awesome if you're running a deck that cares about the number of Swamps or Mountains in your deck, because it counts as both, but if you only need it for the choice of mana, then Dragonskull Summit is a far cheaper way to do the exact same thing.