Topic: H: Sfm W: 4x IoK, Most storm stuff, legacy and modern

Have 2 stoneforges

4x IoK
2x darkslick shores
4x pyromancer's ascension
4x desperate ritual
4x pyretic ritual
3x past in flames
4x manamorphose
4x infernal tutor
4x cabal ritual
1x promo tendrils of agony


Also willing to look at lists

Re: H: Sfm W: 4x IoK, Most storm stuff, legacy and modern

I can help you with the Pyromancer Ascensions, the Pyretic Rituals, and two of the Desperate Rituals. Opening a conversation.

Re: H: Sfm W: 4x IoK, Most storm stuff, legacy and modern


Re: H: Sfm W: 4x IoK, Most storm stuff, legacy and modern

I have three manamorphose and some other stuff. I'm interested in SFM and paths.

Re: H: Sfm W: 4x IoK, Most storm stuff, legacy and modern
