Topic: Card versions in decks / mobile view


first of all, this is the most awesome MTG site I have ever used - amazing! Keep up the good work!!
I got two issues where (for me) the  site could be significantly improved:

1) Have an option to declare the version of a card also in decks
It's a great thing to actually have the opportunity of detailing the main inventory, but I honestly *need* this feature so much for decks. Maybe at least take the card version from the inventory, but please don't just use a "random" version of the card... it's not cool.

2) Make the spoiler view available for decks in the mobile version
When building decks, I find ich so much easier to rely on visuals than on text. I like the spoiler view a lot when viewing the inventory, and I'd love to have it for decks also, especially when seen on the mobile device. Of course, as long as (1) isn't fixed, this is not worth as much - but when we can have (1) then (2) would surely be the icing on the cake.

Thanks again for starting such an awesome platform - love it so far smile

Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire.
- Jaya Ballard, Task Mage

Re: Card versions in decks / mobile view

I also am waiting on the specific card editions for decks.  There's another thread about this.  Latest I've read is that he's been working on this.  But, it's been a feature that was requested a long time ago.  Not sure where they're at right now.

Re: Card versions in decks / mobile view

I want this feature badly. It's the deciding matter between this and another site.

Re: Card versions in decks / mobile view

I know im late on this thread but just wanted to say i would love this. This is by far the best site out there for this as far as ive seen and 1 thing i love is that they listen and try to make advances for all of us.