Topic: H: expos w: gp guides, mm goyf

Overgrown tomb expo
Prairie stream expo
Cinderglade expo
Smoldering marsh expo
MM goyf
GP guides (will consider normal if its a playset)
Wastes 183 foil
Island 256 foil
Will consider trading my stomping ground expo as well for these cards and a normal back.
Any combination of these cards will work for me lmk.
Mm sword of fire and ice (lower priority)
Side note tradelist besides expos will trade for
Og zen foil basics
Foil smoldering marsh (pack)
Foil shambing vent
Foil lumbering falls
Thought seize
Other bfz foil basics
Wild nactyl fnm
Gp stoneforge mystic
Path to exiles (either wpn or fnm)
My tradelist is not large atm but just listing my wants and we will see what of these can be aquired. Msg or open trade to discuss or for pics. Thx