Topic: MtG Db w/searchable tags for artwork

Hello DeckBox Gurus-

     Am a Vorthos-type collector and deckbuilder. Have been a huge fan of your site for a couple of years now. The site has made great improvements over that time. Thanks for all the hard work.

     There is one deckbuilding tool that is missing.

     There seems to be no searchable card Db that can search the ART on the cards. (At least, not one known.)

     For example, if one were to build a deck around minotaur. A simple search from the Gatherer site would yield 21 results. The Deckbox yields 25. (The Challenge deck cards) All minotaur. All creatures.
     If one needed to add enchantments, artifacts, lands, or other cards in keeping with the theme, it would require a general search in 'spoiler view'. A tedious process.

     One could not find cards, such as Didgeridoo, Backslide, Mugging, Adamaro, Nykthos, Lay of the Land, Sleeping Potion, Hand to Hand, any of the Anaba tribal minotaur, or even the Tahngarth Vanguard, in a typical Gatherer search.

     Think you get where this is going.

     It is understood that this would be no small undertaking. However, from searching the web and communicating with other aficionados (Tolarian CC, Vorthos Mike on Twitter, and on the subject, if you were to build something like this, you may be the first.

     Am willing to volunteer time to tag art, if need be. A Db with art tags would be MUCH faster than flipping through hundreds of spoiler pages.

    Would appreciate your thoughts on the matter. If not, perhaps YOU guys may know of another site that would help with searchable art.

     You guys are great. Thanks. neutral