Topic: What it would take for me to use deckbox market (again)

I meant to write this a while ago but it slipped my mind. I took a break from trading at the end of last year and got back into it in late December. Prior to this break, I had used Deckbox's market features a bit and had many many sales. After coming back, though, I haven't bothered.

For me, the main reason for this is an inability to seperate my tradelist from my sell list on cards where a price is defined. In general, I only want to market cards that I'm pretty certain I have and are in the stated condition. For other cards, I can be a bit more careless since the worst thing that can happen is that someone will express interest in a card and I'll say "oops I don't have it anymore" and life goes on. With the market this is not an option - if I cancel a sale for these reasons I'm open to negative feedback. As a result of this I ended up having to run to local stores to buy cards a few times, and in general I was wary of putting my whole collection up for sale (but I like having it on my tradelist!)

The closest thing to a workaround for this is to split your card listings up by one of the available flags like "promo" - I can mark some cards as promos and some as non-promos and then just assign a price to one side of those and this works. Unfortunately, that's also probably confusing for users so I've avoided this.

My ask: Please make some sort of generic or sale-specific tag alongside the current set of tags that can be used to create separate inventory listings. I imagine that this would be very simple to do, and it would cause me to start making sales using the site again, which will translate into $$$ for sebi. Great, right?