Topic: Standard FNM - 1-2of4 to 2-3of4 deck?
Hi All
Iv been playing Paper magic for approximately 6 months. this is my first post. M19 was my first limited and release drafting experience.
In the cafe where I play, I'm normally lucky to place mid table each FNM. current deck is Dino based.
In my watering hole they predominantly play agro and mid. I see mono black (dredge ish), mono red (challenger), merfolk tribal, vampire tribal and the odd wild card mid green blue Jank and red/green combat tricks.
The goal is to have a deck that will get me into the top half of the group I play with now, and be post rotation ready (Ixlan onward only).
I have built a Dragon tribal, and working on some high evasion decks consisting of U/B, U/W and U/W/B
Budget is like $50 max to improve/complete any given deck.
(FYI name coding is # = built, ? = part built / strong concept, ~ = maybe pile/path to ?)
Hope I have hit all the expected requirements.... (and link's work etc.)
So, feed back on Dragon tribal & OTT (Over The Top) evasion decks would be great!
Generals in each OTT are Gleaming barrier and Aviation pioneer for early defence & support playing Demon of Catastrophes & Zahid, Djinn of the Lamp backed up by Favorable winds to stand up to dragons and big green creatures etc. + plenty of interaction & some draw engines.
Tezzeret, Artifice Master because I drafted one and he seems to fit well.
Dragon tribal is self explanatory, play dragons, make dragon tokens and use spit flame 10+ times a game + drawing of dragons hord.
Splashed green for high use of enchantments and some artefacts at cafe.
Please pick holes, reference stats etc. constructive criticism welcome with suggestions.
Thanks all