Topic: Improving "In other trades"
The addition of "In other trades" has been a big help, especially when managing many trades simultaneously.
I propose an improvement for it, though, that would significantly reduce the time needed to click on and load the specific card page and then the [more info] button.
Here's an example from a recent trade. These are not all the same type of in other trade - some are similar card n outbound trades, and some are in pending trades. for each, I have to go to the card and click a button to see if it matters or not:
I propose that instead of a single Green <-> why not just use four different arrows:
Outgoing Accepted: <- Green. This item has been removed from your trade list anyway, so if you see this in another trade, it's a different, available copy.
Incoming Accepted: -> Green. This item is already coming to you, so you hopefully wanted two copies. Ideally, we would have another symbol or way of identifying if something is Actively in your Wishlist still. It's perfectly fine to add stuff to a trade outside the wants list, but it would be great if we could see something marking if something in a trade is in our want list or not.
Outgoing Editable: <- Grey.
Incoming Editable: -> Grey.
Hopefully, both of these are self-explanatory. Knowing that a card I want in a trade is in another outgoing editable trade tells me I'm trading out a different copy than I'm looking for in this trade. So there's no conflict.
It would be ideal if all four of these symbols opened the modal for the "In other trade" detail so it's easy to confirm which copy is going where.
Last edited by ZombieSleeve (2023-08-18 10:25:27)