Re: Upcoming features

Version 2.0 is very good! Well done, guys. As I don't trade cards, but only track my MtG collection and decks, I have only several things to ask for:
1. Edition\language etc. defaults when adding cards: would be great if these options remembered my last choice. It's not very comfortable when I choose defaults then switch to some other page and when I'm back to adding cards, I have to choose defaults again.

For future releases:
1. Folders in Inventory (just like Decks) would be great to have a possibility to sort the collections. For instance I could have one folder for older editions I'm collecting full sets, one folder for playable cards I use to construct my decks, one folder for cards for exchange etc.
2. Other languages interface.
3. Other languages card search and add (so uncomfortable to go to Gatherer to find right English translations for Russian card names), and foreign card pictures.
4. Possibility to insert my own card illustrations (for promo, full art or textless cards).

Re: Upcoming features

Can I suggest at events to allow to put an URL where people can read more about the event? Could be on your forum, or Facebook link or any other link where people can read all the event details ...

Re: Upcoming features

Not sure if this has been mentioned, I do a lot of trading using the site and love it.  My only frustration is when I am looking for a card to trade it pulls up people that are local and no where near me.  Is there any way to add some filters to the trade search so we can narrow down the people that have cards and are possible traders?

Thanks again for all your work.


Re: Upcoming features

Although there have been some new changes, I still believe there are some big ones that need to be taken care of though.

A lot of cards I have are Promotional cards. A lot of the earlier Promos (foil or not) were FNM promos but before it really labeled "FNM" like the more modern cards are.

I've mentioned it a few times already, but Promo cards need a SET or EXPANSION to place them under, not a specific "flag". Promotional cards can range from FNM foils, Launch Party foils, Pre-Release foils, Judge foils, Grand Prix foils, and so-on.

There has to be a way to handle these because even specifically handles each different version of each card, be it a foil, foreign, judge promo, etc.

Of course this request falls under the same issue, however, needs to be re-mentioned again: pricing of foils in general. Deckbox now separates all different versions of cards, but it will still only pull over non-foil prices for those cards. I cannot imagine TCGPlayer not being able to let you define the cards by foil or non-foil, as their own database is partitioned that way.

I have *a lot* of foils in my collection, including a lot of promo foils, and it badly reflects on my collection to use their non-foil prices. For many playable commons and uncommons that are $0.25 to $0.50, their foil equivalent can be between $5.00 - $10.00, and it would be nice to see deckbox reflect these real prices.


Re: Upcoming features

First, thank you very much for creating this fantastic site.  There are a few features I can't locate, and I wanted to see if you were planning on including them:

1.  The ability to enter tokens in addition to regular cards.
2.  The ability to search all of my friends inventories rather than one at the time.

Brett Hunt

Re: Upcoming features

art_vandelay wrote:

First, thank you very much for creating this fantastic site.  There are a few features I can't locate, and I wanted to see if you were planning on including them:

1.  The ability to enter tokens in addition to regular cards.
2.  The ability to search all of my friends inventories rather than one at the time.

Brett Hunt

1. At the moment, Deckbox only gets its card list from the official Gatherer site, which doesn't list (most) tokens.  So, there isn't any way to list them currently.
2. There is not currently the option to do that, but it would be a very nice feature!


Re: Upcoming features

Hi guys!
I am craving a Deckbox app to browse my library, decks and cardsearch for android! I saw there has been tought of in 2009 allready, but until now it has not been published? It would be a welcome feature!
Deckbox team: please inform us about the status of your app smile
Much love for your website though! Peace

Re: Upcoming features

Here's a suggestion I'd find pretty useful, myself:

Have a column in the inventory view that has an icon to indicate if that card is in a deck from your deck list. When the icon is moused-over, have a little popup show which deck(s) that card is in and how many.


cool <- icon to mouseover
Found in the following decks
Sigarda EDH [1]                       
Green/White assault [4]         
Green Trample [2]                   

This would be much faster than the current method, which is to click on the card itself in the inventory, where it then takes you to a new page that shows what decks you have with that card in it. Anyway the site is awesome and keep up the good work! I use it every day.

Re: Upcoming features

There is already this functionality available.

When you hover over a row in your Inventory, an icon will appear next to the name of the card like this:

Clicking on that icon will popup more information about the card, which includes a tab that has all of the deck information.

One more click than what you're suggesting, but it definitely doesn't take an additional page load and I haven't had any issues with it.

Re: Upcoming features

Decks should "use" a card in my inventory.

For example, I own 8 Arid Mesa. If I load two decks into Deckbox that each use 4 Arid Mesa, when I load the third deck that uses X Arid Mesa, Deckbox shouldn't say "Oh, you own 8 Arid Mesa. I won't include these in the list of cards you don't own." If I need 12 Arid Mesa but only have 8, I should be able to see that somehow and specifically for the deck that requires them ("Oh, I'm short on that card. I should just grab my copies from deck X, where they currently reside.")


Re: Upcoming features

kmiecikj wrote:

Decks should "use" a card in my inventory.

For example, I own 8 Arid Mesa. If I load two decks into Deckbox that each use 4 Arid Mesa, when I load the third deck that uses X Arid Mesa, Deckbox shouldn't say "Oh, you own 8 Arid Mesa. I won't include these in the list of cards you don't own." If I need 12 Arid Mesa but only have 8, I should be able to see that somehow and specifically for the deck that requires them ("Oh, I'm short on that card. I should just grab my copies from deck X, where they currently reside.")


I couldn't agree with this more.  And actually, I would take it a step further to allow each individual card to be listed as part of a deck.  For instance, I might have three different copies of Reya Dawnbringer in different decks.  But if I want to pull out a specific version of it, it would be nice to not have to go through all the different decks to find the one I'm looking for; it would be much nicer to see that the specific version of that card is in a specific deck, so I just go pull it out of there.

Re: Upcoming features

Just a suggestions, but has anyone suggested a "Maybe" or "Standby" section after Sideboards for MtG. I keep screwing my sideboard up when deck building because I want to look at the mana costs side by side when I move cards in and out of my main deck. Then have no room with a finished deck recipe that I want to modify when new sets come out. Also if possible adding that to the quick add drop down when you mouse over cards. I do all my deck building from the site instead of laying out cards all over a table. I greatly appreciate the work you guys have put in.

Re: Upcoming features


I just wanted to know if anyone has recommended a trade history log during each trade. Lets say you start a trade with a player who then changes what you wanted to trade or what he wanted to trade to a different card. Is there anyway to log each switch so by the end of the trade you know all of the different changes or maybe at the last minute you can see what card was removed or added?

I know this might seem like a small thing but to someone who has to keep track of 5-10 trades at anyone time, might find this useful.

Thank you for your time, and I appreciate your site
- Michael

You have never lived, 'Til you've almost died.
For those who fight for it, Life has a flavor.
The protected will never know.

Re: Upcoming features

I believe there was talk a while ago of a feature being added where one could search for specific trades (e.g.; I've got Ral Zarek, I want Voice of Resurgence).  Is this anywhere near to becoming a reality? 

It would also be great to only search for trading partners that do Local trades, or search for those that are not Local only traders.

Re: Upcoming features

I'd enjoy the "list of things you can trade with each other" to be checkboxes so I can quickly pop that list into a trade.  Or other way to more directly expose our respective wish/tradelists when working up a trade.

Some way to bulk edit card type (all but one of my cards is NM ENG) would also be really appreciated.

Re: Upcoming features

I'd love to be able to sort my collection by card quantities.


Re: Upcoming features

Zooligan wrote:

I believe there was talk a while ago of a feature being added where one could search for specific trades (e.g.; I've got Ral Zarek, I want Voice of Resurgence).  Is this anywhere near to becoming a reality?

This would be the single most useful feature, for me, coupled with the ability to filter people based on trade parameters such as trade region (local/country/world), latest activity, and sort by the number of cards I can give.

Re: Upcoming features

I wouldn't make it 'on' by default; it should be a toggle-able option.

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Re: Upcoming features

How about an inventory export function?  Or some way to interface deckbox with simulator and/or deck building sites....It would be great to be able to learn how to make my decks stronger.

Re: Upcoming features

I love this site, thanks!

If you guys could develop some expanded price tracking features, I for one would be overjoyed.

My dream feature would be to see a column showing me the change in price since adding the card to my inventory. 

For example when i added this card, tcg low was @ $50. Now it's @ $60, so when browsing through my cards, there is a green $10 in that column, showing the positive gain since adding the card. Other options could show changes over set periods of time, percentage changes, or even add alerts when changes reach specified thresholds.

I'm sure the community could come up with dozens of price features that they would use often.

Re: Upcoming features

Are there any plans to be able to search decks others have built that have only cards I currently own in my inventory? 

I'm interested in seeing decks others are playing with cards I own


Re: Upcoming features

Could we have "Deck Count" column added to inventory export options?

Re: Upcoming features

kmiecikj wrote:

Decks should "use" a card in my inventory.

For example, I own 8 Arid Mesa. If I load two decks into Deckbox that each use 4 Arid Mesa, when I load the third deck that uses X Arid Mesa, Deckbox shouldn't say "Oh, you own 8 Arid Mesa. I won't include these in the list of cards you don't own." If I need 12 Arid Mesa but only have 8, I should be able to see that somehow and specifically for the deck that requires them ("Oh, I'm short on that card. I should just grab my copies from deck X, where they currently reside.")


We totally need this. It would make managing your cards so much more easier and effective, even when you are not near your decks.

Re: Upcoming features

I was wondering if there was a chance if you could add an option to make the trade/wish list posting easier. I am interested in getting enough cards for a play set (4 each). my wish list would only be any card that I dont have 4 of and my trade list would be any that I have more then for of. Could you add a setting option for playset collecting? This way Deckbox would automatically add any card to my wish list that I have less then 4 of and automatically list any card for trade that I have more then 4 of? This would make things so much easier and enhance Deckbox. Thanks!!!

Re: Upcoming features

ChrisSaint wrote:

This way Deckbox would automatically add any card to my wish list that I have less then 4 of and automatically list any card for trade that I have more then 4 of? This would make things so much easier and enhance Deckbox. Thanks!!!

I couldn't agree more with this ++

You have never lived, 'Til you've almost died.
For those who fight for it, Life has a flavor.
The protected will never know.