Re: Upcoming features

Another feature I would love is to see some of these card image recognition program (like MTGscanner) be intigrated into Deckbox directly. This way we could use our computer/tablet's web camera to scan cards and have them uploaded into our inventory. We can quickly add cards in a smoother fashion.

Re: Upcoming features

ChrisSaint wrote:

I was wondering if there was a chance if you could add an option to make the trade/wish list posting easier. I am interested in getting enough cards for a play set (4 each). my wish list would only be any card that I dont have 4 of and my trade list would be any that I have more then for of. Could you add a setting option for playset collecting? This way Deckbox would automatically add any card to my wish list that I have less then 4 of and automatically list any card for trade that I have more then 4 of? This would make things so much easier and enhance Deckbox. Thanks!!!

I like this, too, as long as you can provide exceptions.  Some cards/sets I don't want, and some cards I won't ever trade, even if I have more than 4 (because they're used in multiple decks).

Re: Upcoming features

Sorry if this has already been said, but I would really love a way to be able to search for specific editions/languages of a card.  If I am only looking for Russian Foil Nirkana Revenant, getting trade matchups with everybody who has any Nirkana Revenant is not very helpful.  If there were some way to do an advanced search with language and foil/notfoil included, that would be amazing.

Edit: Or for another example, if somebody is looking for Birds of Paradise from Beta, they will instead just see every BoP from every edition.

Last edited by LemonMeringue (2013-08-03 18:45:49)

Re: Upcoming features

Hi - haven't seen this request, so I hope I'm not duplicating.  Can we get a new category for altered or extended art cards?  This would belong in the list that contains foil, promo, signed, and textless.

As always, deckbox rules!  Everyone who has worked to make this site great is an awesome person.


Re: Upcoming features

is there a way to export you Inventory? i was looking for this to add to my collector's albums but i couldnt find it

Re: Upcoming features

I didn't see this specifically listed, sometime back in June-ish time frame I submitted a suggestion to deckbox via contact us.

The suggestion was a feature that when you searched for a MTG card, it would return results of db users that have that card on their wishlist.
I really believe this would be a fantastic feature for people looking to facilitate trades.

Someone from db responded to me to tell me that co-incidentally, db was launching a number of new features "next month" and this request would be one of them.

As far as I can tell this function is not yet live, and that was about 3 or 4 months ago. I just wanted to find out if this is still intended to be launced.

Unfortunately, I deleted the email sad

Re: Upcoming features

Hi :-) I'd love to know where do we stand with the API's. People are asking why my app (iDeckbox for iPhone/iPad) is so lame, leave one star reviews and ask for updates which I can't provide since there's no API.

So... is there going to be an API available? If yes, then when?

If no, I'd love to know, too.
^^ Help me spread the good news! big_smile


Re: Upcoming features

gmabber wrote:

Hi :-) I'd love to know where do we stand with the API's. People are asking why my app (iDeckbox for iPhone/iPad) is so lame, leave one star reviews and ask for updates which I can't provide since there's no API.

So... is there going to be an API available? If yes, then when?

If no, I'd love to know, too.

Sorry about no news on this. Right now I'm finishing up the trading opportunities which was promised a long time ago, so sadly we had to push back the API too.

We also need to do the foil prices before the API, so it's going to be a month or so until we can make a clear plan / deadline for API release. sad But we definitely still want to do it!

Re: Upcoming features

Hi.  Just wondering how the Foil Pricing is coming along?  Thanks!

Re: Upcoming features

Thanks for making this awesome site!

You need to make us able to sort by inventory count again!  At  the moment it has become really tedious to go through the collection to figure out what cards I have too many of and not.  Just one little click on the inventory count button like it used to be and it's all set!  Please do this for me.

The main reason why I want this is because I want to be able to make a few decks to give away.  Without knowing what cards I have to spare it is hard to figure out a deck to make.

Re: Upcoming features

I would really like to see an easier way to put cards into your decks and side decks. Such as when adding the card to your inventory put it directly into a deck I have been using the added last feature to find what cards I just added and then throw them into my deck. Also There is no easy way to put cards in your deck directly into your side deck.

I love this site so far though. Ill spread the word smile

Maybe one day add in a option to suggest cards to a deck other than just leaving a comment like a deck statistic then another page for suggested cards to put in said deck.

Re: Upcoming features

First of all, I love Deckbox. I have been able to get rid of so much stuff I will never use for stuff I want and will use. Keep up the amazing work! I love this site!

Not sure if it has been said or not, but I would love to see tokens added. I know as of now you only have the cards listed on the gatherer on here, but maybe one day implement tokens? There are a ton of tokens I want as well as a ton of tokens I have for trade. I would also love to see different pictures/prices of promo cards one day.

On another note, I do miss the days of collecting and trading Pokemon cards. I know so far we have W40k, WoW, and MtG cards. Do you ever think Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh (which I personally dislike) will be added? I am actually looking for Pokemon cards and finding people with them is becoming harder and harder. I'm sure if Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh were added people would use those features. And I know it's probably a lot of work to add whole games into this site.

EDIT: I am also wondering if there is am app. for Android yet. If so where can I find it? I can't locate one anywhere.

Thanks Deckbox Team!

Last edited by Mowza2k2 (2013-10-24 08:54:05)

I collect Requiem Angel and am always willing to take one in a trade.

Profile | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Upcoming features

If it would be possible to get a clear indication when I (user) have not supplied feedback for a trade, that would be excellent.  Currently there doesn't seem to be any such indication. =]


Re: Upcoming features

First of all, LOVE the site.

I have a Feature Request -- Searching for Playsets - I'd like to see a search filter for users that have x or more of a card for trade. Say if I wanted to only search for playsets of 4 or more of a card. Also card condition would be nice too, only show NM cards for example.


Last edited by P9CO (2013-11-26 16:53:09)


H: Tradelist | W: Standard cards on my wishlist
- The higher number on my want list the more I want it!

Re: Upcoming features

Hadn't noticed this topic earlier, but will post my request here too:

Could we get reference images for the card conditions? The option we have here at deckbox for card condition are quite a bit different from what I'm used to. More info here:

> Trading with anyone in Europe!

Re: Upcoming features

I'm hoping this is the right place to ask this, but being able to add FNM cards to the database would be good.

Re: Upcoming features

Another small suggestion: could we get a 'total number of cards' sum, just like the total value sum in trades? Counting the number of cards is an easy way to check if you have everything before shipping out: if the count doesn't match, I did something wrong smile

> Trading with anyone in Europe!

Re: Upcoming features

Can we get the christmas cards (stocking tiger, evil presents, naughty // nice, etc.) added to deckbox?

Re: Upcoming features

Enhancement Request

I can TOTALLY use options like "Starts With" and "Ends With" in the Search when filtering by "Card Name".
Having "Contains" and "Does not Contain" are great yet not enough for me though.

For example: When I'm inventorying my collection, I usually pile my cards by color, and then I sub-pile them by a starting letter. For instance, all the cards that start with an A.

So when I'm adding to my inventory, I always filter by "Contains = A" and "Color Is Exclusively one of = Black" (as an example) so when I'm adding black cards that begin with an A, I can see them been added in real time on my inventory. But when I get to actually put them in my collection boxes, I also alphabetize them in the boxes. So having a list of the cards I just added is super critical for me.

That way I can compare my existing (and physical) collection sorted by color and then alphabetically with the list in Deckbox so I can tell which card goes in between which ones in my physical collection.

The problem gets worse when I'm doing letters like vowels or common letters like "S". So I get every single card that "Contains = S" so my filtered list is super huge and is not quite easy to use the list as a comparison with my actual collection.

I really hope I'm making sense. Questions, please let me know.

Have a great day!!!

Last edited by RagnoCroft (2014-01-22 00:50:39)

Re: Upcoming features

Love the site.  Thanks for everything.

I have a large collection, and I love trading, so a couple of features that would help me a lot are:
- filter/sort collection based on number of cards in trade list.   This would let me look for cards that aren't in the trade list to add them easily. 
- filter/sort by number of cards in decks.  This lets me find all cards not in decks so I can mark them as tradeable.
- a function to mark all cards not in decks as tradeable would be awesome too.  I'm not sure how to take that to the next level where I have 4 copies but only 1 in a deck.  This gets complicated if there are multiple entries for a card. 


Re: Upcoming features

A really nice site!

As a collector, I would really like to have a kind of 'checklist' for each set, to easily see what I am missing. The best method I've found is to use the cards database with the 'Edition printed in' filter. However, in the spoiler view all cards display the number zero. Also, this method displays other editions for some cards.

Would it be possible to add an easily accessible list (for each set that one owns) which just displays the total inventory count for each card, and where the missing cards are e.g. grayed out? This list should obviously display the correct editions of the cards in pop-ups.

It would also be nice to have a kind of 'progress bar' somewhere which shows how many cards that are owned of each set.

Re: Upcoming features

First, I love the site.  my 68,071 card collection is all up here.  Makes cube creation much easier.  I would like to suggest that tokens be added.  there are many tokens worth more that $4 and are worth tracking.


Re: Upcoming features

I would like to be able to record trades I make with random people in real life. I'd like for them to show up like any other trade made through deckbox:

- Show what I traded away and what I got in return.

- Update my Inventory/Tradelist/Wantlist.

I think this could be implemented fairly easily by creating a bot that automatically accepted all proposed trades.

Thanks for a great site!

Re: Upcoming features

The foil price information is excellent: thank you.

Would it be possible to *not* show price information ($0.00) for promo cards rather than show the 'standard' price for that card (assuming promo price is not available)?  I almost accidentally took advantage of a guy before remembering to check the actual Promo card price as opposed to just the normal card price. smile

Thanks for your great work. =]

Re: Upcoming features

Love the site! It's perfect for my M:tG needs!
I hope that support for Pokemon and other card games happens soon! smile