Topic: Need feedback on a Selesnya deck.

Ok after several builds and modifications this is what I decided on. Let me know what you think.

Re: Need feedback on a Selesnya deck.

So looking at this, I'm a bit torn as I can see where you're headed, but don't quite think you're getting there.  You have a wealth of populate going on, but not a whole lot of tokens to populate.

Your token sources are limited to the following:
a) Thragtusk either dying or flickering with Cloudshift
b) Call of the Conclave

That's a problem, as you can't exactly populate if you don't have any tokens.  Relying on only seven cards in the deck to produce tokens simply won't manage - especially when one of those sources requires five mana to play and then another play to even provide one token.

To that end, I would advise dropping the Dryad Militants or at least sideboarding them in exchange for a definite 4x Selesnya Charm.  As easily one of the strongest cards for the guild, you HAVE to include it - it pumps, it removes, it creates tokens, all for one low payment of twoooooo mana!  At instant speed too?  Yes please!  You can save it for their end step, drop a knight token, and then put Rancor on it during your turn for an almost instant 4/3 vigilance, trample attack - at the same cost as Loxodon Smiter.

Beyond that, you would do well with Midnight Haunting in some moderate supply - nothing is more of a pain than two spirit flyers - especially when you keep populating them to hit for four, five, six, and more per turn.  The current meta is not very heavy on flying defense, so a lot of games these little guys will do some serious damage.

I would also suggest Intangible Virtue.  It pumps and more importantly provides vigilance, letting you dole out the lumps while keeping a viable defense (especially with Rootborn Defenses in your hand.

Lastly, I highly recommend Druid's Deliverance as it provides a Fog that can protect you in a variety of situations (also letting you lead your opponent into a trap) while also populating.  I would put 3x of them in where you currently have Sundering Growth, which can then slide over to the sideboard.  After all, there aren't nearly as many artifacts to stress over in the post-RTR world and most the troublesome enchantments cost enough that you can use an Oblivion Ring on them.

I put together a populate build given what I currently have and it's pretty solid.  You can see it at  It's a few cards on the high end, but if you were to drop the Seller of Songbirds, and Eyes in the Skies to bring you down to 62.  Then it's just two Moonsilver Spears from 60 and a wide variety of tokens that you can populate the crap out of - just remember that Detention Sphere/Izzet Staticaster can REALLY mess you up if you don't have different types of tokens to populate.

Re: Need feedback on a Selesnya deck.

Well I think the way I'm eventually going to run this deck is to transform it into another that I have planned The reason the sundering growth is in there is to easily remove detention sphere or o-rings if they use it on the thragtusk. I didn't put any intangible virtues because I decided to give the collective blessing a try so that I can pump all of my creatures. The deck that I'm building toward will lean away from populate and focus on Thrag and flickering him with the cloudshift and restoration angel which also provides a really good flier. Pump either with rancor and they become deadly. I don't know if it will actually work but it could be fun to play and try out.

Re: Need feedback on a Selesnya deck.

I'm with you on the potential power of a flicker deck that centers on Thragtusk as he might as well have two ETB triggers, but as a suggestion, I would run blue in there to some degree.  They're certainly expensive, but Nephalia Smuggler and Deadeye Navigator are easily the two most consistent ways to have flickering fun - otherwise Conjurer's Closet and a hope they don't run artifact hate... but for that you might as well run mono green ramp to get there much faster as the aggro builds in both rakdos and selesnya these days can have you pretty much done by the time the closet would hit the field.

Re: Need feedback on a Selesnya deck.

Since you're running tokens with green, I'd work in a pair of Parallel Lives.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Need feedback on a Selesnya deck.

Ok and another thought, how about splashing in blue with a hallowed fountain in order to include Detention Spheres and Divine Verdict. Is it worth it, I'm thinking to have a lot of defense and maybe even taking out the populate theme in order to make this somewhat of an aggro/control. I don't know just throwing thoughts around in my head tonight.

Re: Need feedback on a Selesnya deck.

Theres very little in common between what youve got and bant control, keep it g/w unless you want to completely reshape and double the cost, double the shocklands, GoST, angel of serenity, tamiyo, both jaces, all stuff for bant control, not a route your wallet will like much