Topic: Thinking ahead: Deckbox 3.0

Don't view this topic as any sort of criticism, Sebi.  I just wanted to create a place to log ideas as I look through the 2.0 Alpha.

I'll list a few things here, and will invite others to do the same.

[Advanced Search/Filter]
I like the fact that it can be displayed or hidden.  As to placement, consider placing it on the far right side of the screen, much in the way MS Office applications put special purpose tools in that area.  With the prevalence of widescreen displays, I have far more lateral screen space than I do vertical screen space. Placing it to the right would allow all filters to be available all the time, without needing to show/hide them.  You could still use checkboxes to determine which are active at any time, but clearing a checkbox would not need to clear the filter field.  A "Clear All" or "Reset Filters" button could be made available (or, the filters could be used only if a master checkbox is filled, e.g., "Filter Results").

[Navigation Tools]
When viewing another member's profile, the navigation area on the left side of the screen shows all their links. Would it be possible to nest that information (the entire current profile view) inside the main content area, leaving my navigation links in place? I often like to jump directly from another member's profile to my Inventory, or to one of my decks.  This would simplify navigation (I currently need to click "My Profile" at the top of the screen, or navigate using the browser's "Back" button numerous times).

[Trading Opportunities on the member Profile page]
Since you are already listing cards that meet between the other user's tradelist and my wishlist, what about placing a checkbox by each line item, and adding a button that will start a new trade with the selected items? Separate buttons could be included for local versus mail trades, or clicking the button could pop-up a dialog box to specify the trade type.

[Create Trade page]
I'd still like to see two columns added to the right of the card name--one with what my inventory number will be as a result of this trade, and one with what my inventory number will be as a result of all pending trades (even those being negotiated).  This is a safeguard against trading in or away too many of a card.

[Profile Page]
*Could the News Feed be 1) moved to the right of the profile info and 2) could we have the option to hide it? This would move the Trading Opportunities area up on the page, making it more prominent.

*I'd still love to see a "Vacation/Holiday" option--some box a trader can check to indicate s/he is not actively trading.  If this box is checked,
1) other users will not see that user in the Trading Opportunities list (or that user's name appears with a calendar {or other} icon, indicating that the user is not currently accepting trades.
2) Users will not be prevented from starting a trade with a user "on vacation".

*I'd love to see an indicator along each name in the Trading Opportunities area, representing how recently the member was on the site: during the last day, in the past three days, during the past week, During the past 30 days, longer than 30 days.  Perhaps a vertical bar icon, with the tallest representing the most recent activity. Perhaps a series of bars similar to a cell phone reception icon.

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Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Thinking ahead: Deckbox 3.0

Additional screenshot: sample screen with user activity icons

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Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.