Topic: [Standard][Opinion] Flying Exalted

I've recently started playing for the past 6 months and so far I've made a fairly reliable G/B Morbid Undying deck that works well around the kitchen table with close friends. Now I'm trying to get a mono white Flying Exalted deck together and would just like some opinions on how to optimize a deck like that with limited relevant cards. I would love to get something together that can really kick some butt big_smile Maybe I could even win a game or two against some of our much more experienced friends. Thanks to anyone that's willing to help out! So here's what I've got so far. Here's a link and below are the cards as well.

EDIT: Changed my deck again, took some advice from people that replied and so far has worked well. I''' be swapping out the Trained Caracal for Jude's Familiar once I get some. For now though this is what I have.

Any help is appreciated, whether it be playing strategy or suggesting different cards. I have nothing predating Innistrad though. THANK YOU! smile

Last edited by jcwhite352 (2013-01-11 14:34:15)

Re: [Standard][Opinion] Flying Exalted

I'll take a look.  Just an FYI--if you include a link to the deck you want reviewed, you'll likely have more people take a look.  Some of us (myself included) don't remember what abilities each card has, and need to look at the rules text.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: [Standard][Opinion] Flying Exalted

Yea.... I saw that when I was flipping through some of the other posts. This is my first time posting so I didn't realize. [] That should be it smile

Re: [Standard][Opinion] Flying Exalted

How attached are you to having 100% fliers? Concordia Pegasus doesn't bring anything special to the battlefield.  Swap in Azorius Arresters and you may detain an opponent's creature when it hits the battlefield. 

In addition, I always like to have something to play on T1.  You don't have any one-drop creatures, and there are some good ones out there. Perhaps the best out there right now in white is Trained Caracal (1/1, Lifelink).  You have four in inventory.

Cathedral Sanctifier and Warclamp Mastiff are two other possible one drops, and they each do more than Concordia Pegasus.

Another thing to ask yourself is whether you are committed to mono-white.  Splash a little blue and Fog Bank is a great flying defender.  My blue-white deck uses Fog Bank and works to bring out Sublime Archangel. I realize you don't have multiple Sublime Archangels right now--she's a very expensive lady. The link to my deck is just to give some ideas how you could work with two colors.

Apart from those thoughts, I think there is much potential in your deck.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: [Standard][Opinion] Flying Exalted

Thank you! Yea I know the Concordia Pegasus doesn't add anything, it's my least favorite card in the deck I think, but I didn't really have any good options other than that. I'm with you on needing things that I can play on turn one! I'm pretty attached to the idea of having an all flying but what I really want is just a deck that at least puts up a fight against some good decks. I'll definitely try putting in some of those cards for sure.
I don't work well with Blue though for some reason. I've played it a few times and it's definitely my least favorite color. Looks like I'll have a full night revising and playing!
I'm really aching for another Sublime Archangel! I think that was one of the first mythics I pulled. She's on my birthday wish list! lol
Thanks again, I'll post how it goes for me tonight after I make some adjustments.

Re: [Standard][Opinion] Flying Exalted

Might be worth bringing in an Ajani Sunstriker for the Lifelink. Also oblivion rings would be nice. A better two drop would be knight of glory for exalted and pro black.

For my exalted deck I did white/black with knight of infamy, duty-bound skeleton, tormented soul (unblockable is relevant) and some cheap removal ~doom blade/ ultimate price.
Just a thought.

Re: [Standard][Opinion] Flying Exalted

Knight of Infamy would be nice, but I only have one so far. I modified a little and added Azorius Arrester and some others and so far has worked much better than that Concordia Pegasus Also realized that I put in two creatures that did the exact same thing and cost the same Sunspire Griffin and Chapel Geist I took out Sunspire Griffin and put in Guardians of Akrasa instead. smile

Last edited by jcwhite352 (2013-01-11 14:49:37)

Re: [Standard][Opinion] Flying Exalted

A few thoughts on potential options. 

1) If you're worried about lifelink, Nearheath Pilgrim can bond with whatever creature you like and will give them both (more importantly the other creature) lifelink.  Then you could have your larger fliers giving you that extra life.

2) I'm with HikingStick when it comes to including blue here.  It might not be your normal cup of tea to play blue, but nobody says you have to use it for countermagic or its other primary goals.  Blue opens the door to a LOT more fliers and a card that would really help you here, Favorable Winds.  For what it's worth, giving all your creatures +1/+1 can often times decide games - especially when you're relying on exalted for big attacks but don't have a strong defense.
    2a) Blue also throws in the possibility for unblockable creatures like black - be it via Invisible Stalker,
          Latch Seeker, of simply enchanting a creature with Tricks of the Trade.

3) If you're committed to staying mono-white, I would suggest some more of white's soft removal spells, i.e., Oblivion Ring, Pacifism, Defang and other whatnot.  Being able to take out a big creature here or there can be HUGE.

4) I would also suggest looking at cards like Glorious Anthem and Honor of the Pure (but they'll likely run you a few bucks each).  Further, Midnight Haunting (and less so Lingering Souls) fit into the flying exalted mechanic well too.  Haunting's instant speed can serve as a surprise block to kill an attacking creature, can let you play in their end step for two more flying attackers next turn, or, can be played at the start of the attack phase to provide an instant two added exalted triggers if Sublime Archangel is in play.

Best luck with it man!