Topic: Help me trade up my cards for value! Resto, Souls, Helix

OK so here's the deal. I have:

2 Lingering Souls
2 Restoration Angel (promo)
4 Lightning Helix (slightly-played)

That I would like to turn into:

2 Lingering Souls (FNM promo)
2 Restoration Angel (non-promo)
4 Lightning Helix (near-mint)

In exchange for someone helping me this, I will offer extra on top of the cards I'm shipping you. Help me out folks!

Re: Help me trade up my cards for value! Resto, Souls, Helix

i have a non promo resto

Re: Help me trade up my cards for value! Resto, Souls, Helix

I have a non-promo resto that I would throw into a trade for a promo resto.  Feel free to send me a trade.