Topic: H: Scavenging Ooze // W: $ or something fun

I picked up a Scavenging Ooze recently (actually the full Counterpunch deck, if people are interested).  I'm looking to sell, although I'd consider trading for something interesting (make an offer)

TCG low is around $27.50 + shipping, so $24 shipped sound ok?  Not good enough for you?  Make an offer, I can always say no wink

See something else of mine you want?  Start a trade and we'll go from there!  Thanks for looking!

Last edited by qwerty59 (2013-03-04 15:45:00)

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Re: H: Scavenging Ooze // W: $ or something fun

Edit and bump.

Profile | Tradelist | Wishlist (High Priority), Wishlist (Generally Interested)
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Re: H: Scavenging Ooze // W: $ or something fun

I'd do $22 for it, but I'd ask you to ship first.  eBay auctions are tending to go from $19.50 -> $24 these days, so I figure right in the middle is fair.

I've done you-ship-first transactions for cash in the past, but I can understand being reticent about doing it.  You can look at my feedback to know that I'm good for it.  smile