Topic: looking for Rainforests

Lo All.

Only have so much in the binder currently, and mostly standard, but i'd like to put something together to get 2, preferably three rainforests.

feel free to offer a trade if you see something you want.

Re: looking for Rainforests


Re: looking for Rainforests

Paul_K wrote:

I hear Brazil has a rainforest, it's pretty large from what i've heard.  Africa has a few too but they are also known to house deserts, savannah's, and even badlands.

you know, i've heard they do, but I'm looking for NM to maybe light play on mine. Brazil's are looking pretty janky.

Re: looking for Rainforests

I have been trying to get Filter and Fetch lands by trading away me bro, it is harder than it seems. You find a guy that is willing, please let me know.

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list

Re: looking for Rainforests

AmarusCameron wrote:

I have been trying to get Filter and Fetch lands by trading away me bro, it is harder than it seems. You find a guy that is willing, please let me know.

That's is probably because trading standard stuff for eternal stuff loses you a ton of value and everyone knows it. If you trade a $20 Fetchland for a  $20 Sphinx's Revelation you just got hosed.

I think if you are trying to pick up eternal stuff, ESPECIALLY lands, you should be offering almost double the value in standard stuff. No one likes to get burned, but by offering above and beyond the current price, both parties feel much better. You are happy because you managed to solidify $40 of extremely volatile and sinking cards into $20 of very stable and rising cards. However your trading partner is happy because he basically got twice as much as he "deserved" and he is planning on playing with those cards.

Another way to do it is to going by a sites buy price/ebay prices. If you would have to sell two sphinx's revelations in order to buy a fetchland, then that is what you should be offering in trade (probably a bit less than this because otherwise you would just do that and skip the middle man).

Even if you do all of this, you still might have a hard time finding someone to trade with, because there are simply not as many of the cards in circulation, and way too many sitting permanently in collections.

I collect funny, epic, or unique flavor texts (foil if applicable)
Looking to purchase one player rewards and one judge foil Wasteland.
Tradelist | Wishist

Re: looking for Rainforests

Sounding a little bitter there man.

I was just saying people will normally not do that.

I understand that the reasons you just stated are exactly why. I agree as well, just didn't want to come off as biting the guy. I recently got into EDH and I have been buying up old booster boxes and getting singles just to get some trade value that people in EDH will actually trade for. It's like buying into magic all over again, although it is more permanent in you said.

Either way, I hope the OP gets his it happens I need some as well lol. But I popped a Zendikar box the other day and got two fetches, as well as everything else I needed from the set so I was feeling mighty good.

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list

Re: looking for Rainforests

I have a bad case of the fetch land blues myself.

Gotta get 4 Rainforests to complete my Zendikar Fetch playsets. So close, yet so, so far...

Re: looking for Rainforests

I only have catacombs and flats, I need at least one of much money/value

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list

Re: looking for Rainforests

AmarusCameron wrote:

Sounding a little bitter there man.

I was just saying people will normally not do that.

I understand that the reasons you just stated are exactly why. I agree as well, just didn't want to come off as biting the guy. I recently got into EDH and I have been buying up old booster boxes and getting singles just to get some trade value that people in EDH will actually trade for. It's like buying into magic all over again, although it is more permanent in you said.

Either way, I hope the OP gets his it happens I need some as well lol. But I popped a Zendikar box the other day and got two fetches, as well as everything else I needed from the set so I was feeling mighty good.

Ha ha hopefully not too bitter. Maybe a little disenchanted? The problem is that everyone always seems like they are JUST value trading, so it creates a huge rush for all of the same cards, when realistically the demand isn't that high. Maybe it is because this standard season isn't very exciting and people are branching out to play other formats/trading for eternal to wait for something to shake up standard. But the end result is everyone and their brother trading for fetchlands/filter lands and almost nothing else. Makes trading quite a chore.

I collect funny, epic, or unique flavor texts (foil if applicable)
Looking to purchase one player rewards and one judge foil Wasteland.
Tradelist | Wishist

Re: looking for Rainforests

Never hurts to try though. I snagged the one Rainforest i have off of standard stuff, so patience will win out.

Re: looking for Rainforests

shifty4690 wrote:
AmarusCameron wrote:

Sounding a little bitter there man.

I was just saying people will normally not do that.

I understand that the reasons you just stated are exactly why. I agree as well, just didn't want to come off as biting the guy. I recently got into EDH and I have been buying up old booster boxes and getting singles just to get some trade value that people in EDH will actually trade for. It's like buying into magic all over again, although it is more permanent in you said.

Either way, I hope the OP gets his it happens I need some as well lol. But I popped a Zendikar box the other day and got two fetches, as well as everything else I needed from the set so I was feeling mighty good.

Ha ha hopefully not too bitter. Maybe a little disenchanted? The problem is that everyone always seems like they are JUST value trading, so it creates a huge rush for all of the same cards, when realistically the demand isn't that high. Maybe it is because this standard season isn't very exciting and people are branching out to play other formats/trading for eternal to wait for something to shake up standard. But the end result is everyone and their brother trading for fetchlands/filter lands and almost nothing else. Makes trading quite a chore.

I hear you, I really do. I try to do my best not to value trade, I only trade for what I need for a deck I am building, or for prospective decks I want to build. I know a bunch of people that trade or buy cards and then they sit in their binders, they literally call them "Stature Cards" as if by owning the card that makes them more important. But as I have moved my interest from 100% T2/Standard, to 30% Standard and 70% EDH it is hard to trade what I have to get what I need. Every EDH playable card I is good for a trade but I literally need the cards otherwise I would not have traded for it. Yet I only need a few cards in standard to run my Simic and Dimir decks, and I literally good every good trade card for the RtR and GC sets because I had a standard deck for every guild (what can I say...completionist) Now that I broke down eight, I had tons of standard trade, yet still found it hard to get some EDH. But as the OP says, patience does win through, some guys are always willing to trade.

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list