Topic: Noob Deck Builder

I've only been playing magic for several months now but I have a decent collection built up.  I would appreciate a little help on one of my decks.  I feel like there is potential in it but it hasn't been performing. The main object of it should seem pretty obvious. It mills the opponents deck to make some of my creatures bigger. I know there are some unnecessary cards but I just felt like using some of them since I had them.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Re: Noob Deck Builder

You have far too much going on there, I can see why the deck flat out doesn't perform.  You seem to know what it is exactly that you are trying to accomplish, so the best advice I can give is to trim the fat - take out the cards that don't work and/or don't fit the overarching plan, then bump up the quantities of the ones that do.  The goal of mill is to deck your opponent, so aim for that...keep creatures that either feed it or can provide blockers to stall until you can.  Don't worry too much about the boosts for your creatures, as you likely won't be using them to attack much, if at all.  Also, don't overlook the power of draw are trying to deck your opponent, and if a card can make your opponent draw cards, it removes them from the library...such a strategy should be sparingly used though, since it can also give them exactly what they need to beat you, but it's something to consider as well.