Topic: R/B Control deck attempt

So, viable for FNM/casual?

3 Blood Artist
4 Vampire Nighthawk
2 Desecration Demon
2 Shimian Specter

4 Victim of Night
4 Brimstone Volley
4 Mugging
3 Dreadbore
1 Rakdos's Return
4 Mind Rot
3 Demolish

4 Blood Crypt
4 Dragonskull Summit
1 Rogue's Passage
6 Mountain
11 Swamp

4 Faithless Looting
2 Auger Spree
2 Human Frailty
4 Slaughter Games
3 Blasphemous Act

Last edited by Zooligan (2013-03-21 16:59:05)

Re: R/B Control deck attempt

IMO, anything bigger than a four-drop may not often see the board.

Blood Artist is wonderful, especially if you can get multiple into play.  Then burn some creatures and watch the panic rise in some of your opponents...

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: R/B Control deck attempt

Sadly, Lord Rakdos doesn't really get it done in constructed play outside of EDH (then again, he was designed with EDH in mind...).  I'd suggest dropping him and the Shimian Specters for more Desecration Demons.  They're a total pain to deal with and, in many respects, work beautifully as removal engines.  If you're wanting to run Lord of the Void or Necropolis Regent, I would suggest putting in a few Crypt Ghasts in otherwise, as Hikingstick says, you'll likely never get them on the field.

Just as a thought, with Faithless Looting in here, why not some reanimation or 'yard based stuff?  I'm thinking either Rise from the Grave or you could splash a pair of Godless Shrines and throw Unburial Rites.  In either case, getting those high cost creatures into the yard with faithless looting is good fun, to then turn around and drop them onto the field anyway (often at a lower cost).

Lastly, I'd look over your SB and really be sure that the cards all address specific match-ups you'll be running into.   For instance, Slaughter Games I can see, but the others?  If you need land hate, why not toss in a few Ghost Quarters in the SB?  Personally, I'm a big fan of Brimstone Volley for its ability to hit the opponent for 5 if they take out one of your creatures (or in this case, thanks to Desecration Demon, you might be hitting morbid triggers pretty frequently).  Along those same lines, Skirsdag High Priest could prove to be a beast.

Anything is worth a shot.  Spend some time playtesting and see how it does.  Good luck!

Re: R/B Control deck attempt

I had Volley in the SB originally.  IDK, for some reason I really want to play resource denial with Spectre, Mind Rot and Demolish.  I guess I'm just an a-hole that way:)

Act is because I might need some kind of sweeper and I don't have Mutilate.  Spree seems like a versatile way to pump my big flying fatties or kill their 4-power or less creatures.

I am taking out the uncastables and implementing a portion of my assholia.  See the OP.

So, why doesn't RLoR work?  What's the stumble?

Last edited by Zooligan (2013-03-21 01:23:44)

Re: R/B Control deck attempt

The double symbols when paired with the damage requirement to cast him, you'll get stuck with him in your hand unable to be played far more frequently than a Desecration Demon.  That's an awful lot of work for a creature that isn't that hard to take out.  And, considering he would only help you with two creatures in the deck, his added abilities really don't make that much of a difference either.  Meanwhile, Desecration can serve as a multiple removal spell/morbid trigger.

Re: R/B Control deck attempt

Alrighty then, made these changes (limited to cards on-hand)

-2 Rakdos, Lord of Riots
-4 Searing Spear

+1 Vampire Nighthawk
+1 Desecration Demon
+4 Brimstone Volley

Recommended sideboard tweaks??  Keep in mind I don't have Mutilate...

Last edited by Zooligan (2013-03-21 18:55:57)

Re: R/B Control deck attempt

Whoopsie.  Just figured out Pillar of Flame won't trigger Blood Artist...

-4 Pillar of Flame
+4 Mugging

Guess I'm stuck with Mugging to kill creatures <= 2 toughness.  Hope I don't miss the ability to do 2 to the noggin...

Last edited by Zooligan (2013-03-21 19:03:48)