Topic: email disabled

Ok, so for the second time, my email function has been disabled on this site.  wtf.  does anyone know why?

Re: email disabled

Falconking wrote:

Ok, so for the second time, my email function has been disabled on this site.  wtf.  does anyone know why?

As was already stated by the owner of the site, there are thresholds in place for direct emails.  He reenabled your capability to send email at that time, but you still have to stay within the threshold.  This is to stop spammers, and is much appreciated.

Assuming that you're sending messages about trades, I would truthfully say that I very much dislike getting email messages and would much rather get a trade request anyway.  If you already went through the trouble of determining that you want something or have something that I want, the least you can do is add it into a trade so that I don't have to do it when I try to reply to your request.  Or, at the very least, just propose an empty trade so that I can see your comment(s) because it gives me a place to instantly start from.

TL;DR: Just use trades, don't use email.

Re: email disabled

There needs to be improvements done, because for one, I'm not a scammer. I saw a bunch of people that need cards from me, now I dont think everyone has their entire collection on here, I certainly dont, so I emailed all of them and ask if they still need those cards. That's not spamming, that's just me sending a request for interest.

Maybe like a instant chat on here? I dont know...

I dont want to have to look through their most likely incomplete collection to find something i need, if they want to meet in real life and pay 3 bucks for a bunch of cards I want to get rid off, why not?

Sometimes people dont have all they need in the wishlist.

Why does the stuff need to go through trade? It's really restricting.

Re: email disabled

See, I think the fact that it does go directly to someone's email kind of does make it spam.  I personally dislike getting random emails from people asking the exact questions that you mention.  I'd much rather prefer someone open a trade and discuss something that way, because it keeps all of my trade-type discussion in one place, e.g. Deckbox.

I agree that being able to message somebody could be nice, like having some type of on site messaging system, rather than linking it to emails.  But really, that's exactly what the trade system houses, so why not use it?  I've had plenty of people open up trade with me just to discuss deck ideas, or ask questions, or whatever.  The options are definitely there, and the fact that it is a "trade" doesn't make it any less real-time communication or more restricting, it's just the wrong title for the way you're choosing to use it, oh well.