Topic: Thoughts on my Deck?

Its a basic gatecrash starter deck with a couple of modifications

Re: Thoughts on my Deck?

Take out all of your fire cards. You only have one mountain and the odds of playing them are very slim. Think of some other green and blue cards to add. I recommend Farseek or Caravan Vigil since they let you get more manna on the field.

Re: Thoughts on my Deck?

I'd say JAM045's suggestion is bang on...if you're going to splash a third color, you need enough to ensure drawing the land you need to play it.  Either run a couple more Mountains or a full set of Evolving Wilds to ensure you can get that lone mountain out.  Also, with only one, land destruction would make for up to three dead cards in the current build (not counting sideboard).  Your best bet is to remove the three cards with red and the lone mountain and add multiples of a few of those one-off cards.  From there, the best advice is to playtest the deck and see how it works, then remove cards you don't use often in favor of multiples of the ones you do.

Re: Thoughts on my Deck?

I'd say ditching the red would probably be the easiest way to go.

If not, you might want to consider replacing 4 of your forests with Transguild Promenade and possibly working a Chromatic Lantern into your deck somewhere.