Topic: CSV file won't import

I'm trying to import a collection of ~10000 cards using the CSV import. I've tried several times, but all I get back is "Error: The server encountered a problem trying to import your file. Please check that it is a plaintext csv file and try again.". I'm sure the file is a plaintext csv file, it uses the same format (headers) as the one I get from the export, and the same line endings (\n).
What else could be wrong? Could you fix the upload so it gives a slightly more detailed error message?

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inventory.csv 140.82 kb, 48 downloads since 2013-04-24 

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Re: CSV file won't import

Make sure to quote anything that has a comma in the name or a colon in the edition, i.e.

1,,Ezuri, Renegade Leader,,,,,Scars of Mirrodin,,English
should be
1,,"Ezuri, Renegade Leader",,,,,Scars of Mirrodin,,English

2,,Fertile Ground,,,,,Duel Decks: Phyrexia vs. the Coalition,,English
should be
2,,Fertile Ground,,,,,"Duel Decks: Phyrexia vs. the Coalition",,English

if not, it will split these (or at least the comma one) into two, since the comma is the delimiter.

Re: CSV file won't import

Thanks, that solved it. Also noticed you do get a detailed error message when the columns are correct, which is great!