Topic: Lion's Eye Diamond and card draw

I feel really stupid. Ok after looking at gatherer for Lion's Eye Diamond card i just get even more confused. Does the mana get added after you discard your hand, or before? Can you use that mana (if it does) to play cards/abilities like Reckless Wurm? Also i am wondering if there is a better alternatiave to replace the card draw consecutavely other than Staff of Domination that is an artifact or enchantment? I want to keep this mainly white and i know it is limiting me...

Re: Lion's Eye Diamond and card draw

depending on what format your looking at you could run mesa enchantress / flickering ward. As for the white only card draw I'm not sure,

Re: Lion's Eye Diamond and card draw

you can play reckless wurm if you have mana to use in response to the discarding,however the lion's eye diamond  must resolve before you can use the mana therefore if you havnt already discarded you hand you dont have mana from lion's eye diamond to use

Re: Lion's Eye Diamond and card draw

Discard first, then mana.

The Lion's Eye Diamond is best used for activated abilities.  My favorite is an infinite combo with Grindstone and Painter's Servant.

First turn: Play Swamp and Lion's Eye.  Tap swamp for Dark Ritual.  Use the mana for Grindstone and Painter's Servant.  Sacrifice the Lion's Eye to pay for the Grindstone's activation.  Instant win.  That said, a 5 card combo rarely pops up on the first turn, but it's definitely sweet when it does!