Topic: Empty Fat Pack Boxes

Please move the thread if it's in the wrong spot! I wasn't sure if it belonged here or in General Discussion. smile

I'm not sure if anyone takes much interest in collecting these, but I absolutely love fat pack boxes. I think it's a great way to organize my cards and keep deck boxes in for easier travel and storage. My shop sells the boxes for $2, though, they don't have a large variety of them (I did pick up a pretty Avacyn one though. ;3)

Would anyone be interested in trading for some or selling them? I value them around $2-5, the more expensive ones being older boxes in good condition. I am looking for Alara Reborn, specifically. Anything with cats! I want to collect a bunch of them and have all different ones. Let me know if anyone is interested!

Re: Empty Fat Pack Boxes

I have a Shards of Alara box and a Lorwyn box if you're interested.  I also have quite a few cards on your wishlist that I haven't put on my tradelist; starting up trade discussion.

My Tradelist          My Wishlist
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