Topic: Changing of user names

I read the btr's pretty regularly.  It appears to me that an individual involved in several ongoing btr's has changed his user name on deckbox.  It is concerning to me that we are functionally able to do this so easily and keep our trade score...being able to simply click on settings and edit the identity that is displayed to everyone is dangerous.  Online trading is based on reputation and identification, we should not be able transfer the reputation we earn (trade score) to different identities (user names).

Last edited by bactgudz (2014-11-05 12:28:59)

Re: Changing of user names

Functionally you are only able to change your username in the first 2 weeks after signing up. But we do not allow users to do it to dodge btrs and other such bad behavior.

Who is the user who changed his username?

Re: Changing of user names

sebi wrote:

Functionally you are only able to change your username in the first 2 weeks after signing up. But we do not allow users to do it to dodge btrs and other such bad behavior.

Who is the user who changed his username?

Email sent

Re: Changing of user names

Something must be off if you aren't able to do it after two weeks, cause this user had multiple hundreds of feedback.  What made me think he had changed his user name is that in one BTR the copied chat log had his full name whereas in a later one it showed his user name.

Is it the case that the chat uses your real name if you have populated it in settings and your user name if not?  If so, I don't think this is good functionality, since in this case it would have meant that the user was able to alter how he was displayed to others in trade chats by deleted/changing his settings info.  Can I change my real name to Sebi and make myself look like you in chat?  That doesn't seem good.

Or is there something else I'm missing?  Maybe in one btr the poster just replaced his user name with his real one?

Re: Changing of user names

Not sure what the solution is then, we cannot stop people from changing their first and last name. Some users realize that they do not want them shown for privacy reasons and remove them. We do not have any way of seeing they are real in the first place.

The login name stays the same after 2 weeks. If you want to change it, you can if you are not trying to dodge bad feedback.

I have friends on facebook that are called George W. Bush, that's their prerogative smile

What is the actual problem you are worried about when other people use other names?

Re: Changing of user names

The use of name & login could be clearer though, you are right. I will take a look at that.

Re: Changing of user names

I guess I just never realized that login name was different than user name in the sense that how other people see you is not necessarily a unique name on deckbox.  So if Mike starts a trade with me, it might not be the same Mike as before and it is not immediately obvious without going through his past trades if he is or isn't the same person.

I would be a proponent of people being identified in trades/profiles/chat by a unique name.  So when somebody gets a trade from me they always see bactgudz...whether they see my real name followed by (bactgudz) or just bactgudz I wouldn't care.

Last edited by bactgudz (2014-11-05 17:02:29)

Re: Changing of user names

I do see it as abuse potential since if someone is in a btr then by changing their real name info it is not obvious to people who read the btrs that he was involved when he initiates a trade. 

Like the user I emailed you about.  I read the btr's so I'm familiar with his real name since that is how he was identified in the btrs...but now that he deleted it, if he had opened a trade with me  I wouldn't recognize him.

But more than abuse potential, I see it as convenience to be able to identify people I've dealt with before.  Take me for instance, I've never entered my real name info, but now if I do people who've dealt with me before won't recognize me when I open trades with them.  There are several legitimate reasons someone may change their real name info:
-an actual name change (through petition or marriage)
-use of a new nickname
-deciding to use abbreviations
-a change in one's want for privacy
-they had simply left it blank previously
and all of these will make a user unfamiliar to his/her previous trade partners.

Last edited by bactgudz (2014-11-05 17:10:58)

Re: Changing of user names

+1.  Just show the username in parentheses after the "real name" if they have one.  There are several people on the website who are just called "Mark " or "Eric " or some such because they don't put in a last name.  If they were identified with a username as well, it would be easier to distinguish between "Mark  (user123)" and "Mark  (user987)" without having to go to their profile page and check the URL.  Likewise, I would be "Ben H (IronMagus)" and the site's administrator would be "Sebastian Zaha (Sebi)".

Users who have not entered a "real name" would just be identified by their username, i.e. bactgudz would just be "bactgudz".

Re: Changing of user names

Also I've noticed that when I am not on the forums I often don't recognize some of the people I regularly engage in discussions with (for example, Kamikaze and LovesTha).

In general, I am blunt and to the point. I apologize in advance if I appear mean or rude.

I am the Community Admin for the CSUN Magic Players Community. I also sometimes help people with technical issues.
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