Topic: My 1st deck some help plz.

Hi played Magic for the 1st time this past weekend and really enjoyed it. I have since gone out and got some cards of my own and am looking for some help building a deck. I am a total noob so please the more detail you can give me the better. Thanks in advance.
This is the start of my deck

Re: My 1st deck some help plz.

Okay, love to help, but first I need to know 3 things about your deck:
1) What are the win conditions you are looking for? Just simply dropping them to 0 life? Or something like milling their entire library?
2) What format are you looking to play? (Basically, are my suggestions limited to what is in Standard, or can I suggest other cards?
3) Is your color choice set in stone? Or are you open to, say, switching to red-black if it fits what you want better?

Best of luck, hope I can help.

Re: My 1st deck some help plz.

Thanks for the reply and taking the time to look at my deck. So as for you 3 questions 1. I think I might be more into milling but not sure if my cards lend to that. 2. Right now I'm playing basic just learning the rules. 3. I would change colors but right now I want to understand the basic deck building skills with what I have.

Re: My 1st deck some help plz.

If you have just started to play then you should borrow a deck or buy one of the duel decks or clash packs and just play one of the decks as it comes  For the first bit you'll likely have a lot more fun if you can just focus on the rules and strategy.  Once you have the hang of things, borrow another deck and play it for 5 to 10 games to get how it works, and then keep borrowing different decks.  Once you've played for a month or so then you could start to build your own deck from scratch.