Topic: Looking for EDH, Modern, and Legacy

Have a bunch of foils that I'm looking to pick up for all sorts of formats. For most of these, I have regulars that I'd absolutely be willing to trade back. Cards are listed in no particular order, and they are as follows:


Promo Dungrove Elder
FTV Green Sun's Zenith
Promo Lightning Greaves


MMA Electrolyze
RTR Foundry
RTR Fountain
RTR Vents
Stony Silence
2x RAV Remand
Pack foil Resto Angel
2x Promo Dig Through Time
3x Promo Geist of Saint Traft
2x Zen Island #236
4x Promo textless lightning bolt


2x Golgari Charm
1x Rest in Peace
Promo Surgical Extraction
3x THS Thoughtseize
3x Judge foil Swords to Plowshares (the $30 one)

I understand that I don't have enough to get some of the bigger stuff, but I have a couple cards on the way, and I will be at GP NJ this weekend, where I hope to pick up more tradeables. Thanks for looking and let me know if we can work something out!

Always looking for modern and legacy staples.