Topic: Online tool to convert DeckBox inventory to MTOL post

Hello DeckBox!

I'm a brand new user and so far I really like this site. I've also tried MTOL, and while the interface there is quite antiquated, I've done some trades there I've been very happy with.

Forgive me if it's inappropriate to post this here for any reason, it's not my intention to promote competing sites or anything, but I made myself a useful tool and figured I would share it. I imagine I'm not the only one who trades on other sites. If this post violates any site rules I'll gladly remove it.

I wanted to be able to easily copy my haves and wants from one site to the other, so I made myself a very simple tool to convert an exported .csv file from deckbox into a have/want list for MTOL. It's really barebones but I've found it quite helpful.

If you view source on the page you can see all the code, so feel free to copy and modify it for your own use. I'm using PapaParse ( to parse the .csv file, then just outputting it in a nicely formatted list, which I copy and paste to MTOL.

If you like it, trade some cool cards with me wink

Re: Online tool to convert DeckBox inventory to MTOL post

That's very neat!

I used to use MOTL a fair amount, but Deckbox's UI is 1000x better and easier to use. That said, there are a bunch of traders on MOTL that sometimes have cards I can't find on here. It's difficult for me to maintain a trade list on there unless I'm on constantly, and I'm not. So this is a great tool...thanks!

Re: Online tool to convert DeckBox inventory to MTOL post

Glad someone else finds it useful!

If you want a local copy, you can file-save from your browser, and then also download paraparse … rse.min.js

Put the index.html and paraparse.min.js in the same folder and you're good to go. This is particularly useful if you want to edit the javascript to format things differently.