Topic: [Modern] 8 Rack Updates

So I've been playing around with this build for a while (, and I'm pleased with it so far. The goal is to strip one's opponent of their hand, then punish them for not having a hand. I'm thinking about taking it to my local gaming shop for one of their weekly Modern events. The trouble is, I haven't had the time to familiarize myself with Khans or Fate Reforged. I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions regarding cards from those sets that I can experiment with, or cards I should watch out for. I'll be going into a largely unfamiliar meta, since the last time I was at this shop was when Birthing Pod and Treasure Cruise were still Modern-legal.

I like to have an opening hand that includes a Swamp or two, a Thoughtseize and/or an Inquisition of Kozilek or two, possibly a Wrench Mind, and maybe a Liliana of the Veil. The remaining slots in that opening hand are somewhat flexible. Typically the plan is to discard my opponent's turn 1 and turn 2 plays to the best of my ability, then slam an Ensnaring Bridge and sit back while I go to work with either Liliana of the Veil or the soft lock of Raven's Crime+Dakmor Salvage. Somewhere along the way I hit one or two copies of The Rack and/or Shrieking Affliction and watch my opponent squirm. In a pinch, though, I can go all-in on making tons of Pack Rats and try to steal the game.

So the question is: have I overlooked anything from Khans or from Fate Reforged? Or, for that matter, any other set? I've been wanting to try Waste Not, but I've heard very mixed reviews.

Re: [Modern] 8 Rack Updates

In addition, I'm a bit concerned about my sideboard. I have 4 Darkblast for dealing with small dudes, 4 Surgical Extraction for crippling combo decks and others that rely on sweet synergies, 4 Leyline of Sanctity for slowing down decks like Burn that send spells at the dome, and 3 Pithing Needle primarily to slow Tron down by naming Oblivion Stone and Karn Liberated. But I've heard of people running things like Nyxathid for reasons I don't quite understand and Syphon Life to give a little resilience against super-fast decks. I'm wondering what the community thinks would make for a good 8 Rack sideboard when going into an unknown meta.

Re: [Modern] 8 Rack Updates

Not being a modern player for the most part I can't really say too much other than that you definitely need a way to beat Abzan.  I could also see where Smallpox might be worth looking at putting in there.

I can also say that Waste Not is a trap.  I can see where it would work in Legacy with Dark Ritual at your disposal, but in modern (and standard for that matter) it just doesn't get the job done.  Without the perfect mix of cards it just doesn't do much for you and you end up having to try to replenish your hand AND the opponent's hand at the same time to generate any benefit off of it.  To that end, if you do decide to run it, Burning Inquisition, Reforge the Soul, and things of that nature are what you're looking for (because they trigger the discard but also end up replenishing the opponent's hand.  It's actually pretty weird that for Waste Not to work you actually WANT the opponent to have cards in hand - once they're in top-deck mode, it card is just a waste of space.

Re: [Modern] 8 Rack Updates

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Not being a modern player for the most part I can't really say too much other than that you definitely need a way to beat Abzan.  I could also see where Smallpox might be worth looking at putting in there.

I can also say that Waste Not is a trap.  I can see where it would work in Legacy with Dark Ritual at your disposal, but in modern (and standard for that matter) it just doesn't get the job done.  Without the perfect mix of cards it just doesn't do much for you and you end up having to try to replenish your hand AND the opponent's hand at the same time to generate any benefit off of it.  To that end, if you do decide to run it, Burning Inquisition, Reforge the Soul, and things of that nature are what you're looking for (because they trigger the discard but also end up replenishing the opponent's hand.  It's actually pretty weird that for Waste Not to work you actually WANT the opponent to have cards in hand - once they're in top-deck mode, it card is just a waste of space.

You raise some valid points here. I'm not too familiar with Abzan in the post-Pod scene, so would you be willing to tell me a bit more about it? As for Waste Not, I'm inclined to agree. I feel like Pack Rat fills the slot better.

Re: [Modern] 8 Rack Updates

Look at the decklists for Pro-Tour Fate Reforged to see the Abzan lists that make up 30 some odd percent of the meta.