Topic: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

Hi Ive been brewing this deck for some time now and I think i'm going to bring it to FNM tonight so just wondering if I could get some feedback before that.

The perfect hand for me would be..
Turn 1: plains + Soldier of the Pantheon
Turn 2: plains + Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
Turn 3: mountain + Preeminent Captain
Turn 4: mountain + Fabled Hero + Hammerhand -- Preeminent captain attacks bringing in another preeminent captain who brings out Brimaz, King of Oreskos + 1/1 cat soldier     (20 damage if unguarded)

Alternate turn 2-4:
Turn 2: Temple of Silence
Turn 3: mountain + Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit + Hammerhand
Turn 4: mountain + Preeminent Captain + Hammerhand / Bringing in the 2nd preeminent captain + Brimaz, King of Oreskos + 1/1 cat token     (14 damage if unguarded)

Both Scenarios are great starts for this deck but the first scenario is obviously going to be the most favorable. To accomplish these scenarios I would need 2 plains 2 mountains early.. problem being that I have things like nomad outpost, temple of silence, Temple of triumph, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. So thats 8 lands that come in tapped and the nykthos is only useful mid-late game, So im thinking I might want to swap out the nykthos for 2 more basic lands.

Ive been trying out ways of getting a hasted Preeminent Captain out so their is less chance of quick removal but it still takes till turn 4 to really start doing its thing. Also tried using Generator Servant to get him out on turn 3 but I would end up with wasted land on that turn and it just didn't feel right.

This deck doesnt have much flying, the High Sentinels of Arashin are the only flying, so my removals(chained to the rocks/crackling doom) are meant to deal with most threats. My 2 Gods Willing are my sideboard spots.. so I swap those out when needed for other types of removal or direct damage.

I kept my 5 mana creatures as the 2 mardu hasters (zurgo/ankle shanker) both have huge impact when they drop mid to late game. Zurgo Helmsmasher on his own is going to either do alot of damage or kill something and buff. Ankle Shanker only comes out while I have my soldier army poppin off so everything first strike + deathtouch is pretty amazing. I was thinking of getting some trample in the mix but the only way that would fit with this deck would be swapping out Hammerhand for Messenger's Speed. I feel Hammerhand is the superior card in most situations so I left it in for now.

I have been looking at my options for 5 mana soldier creatures to swap out the mardu's but the best fitting card I found was Elite Scaleguard who I wouldnt want to drop for its regular mana cost but if Preeminent Captain drops it then it can be very useful with the bolster 2 and allowing me to tap some of the defending cards.

My Planeswalkers are there primarily for their +1's which gets me life in both cases. Although if I get both out in the right situation I would most likely use Ajani Steadfast -2 to get Sorin, Solemn Visitor to quick ultimate(aswell as buff my army).  (might be getting another Sorin to throw in but I'm thinking it might be too much, or maybe 2 Sorins and 1 Ajani instead)

If I can get my hands on some Anafenza, the Foremost then I would also like to put 2 of them in and probably take out 1 Fabled Hero and 1 High Sentinels of Arashin. The concern is adding a splash of green.. Ive done 4 colors in this deck before and its not easy to consistently pull off, I would probably put in 2 more Evolving Wilds and I have 1 Wooded Foothills and maybe a couple Sandsteppe Citadel that can help with getting a forest. But on the positive side of it I could add Dromoka's Command as a sideboard/main card to take the gods willing opening spot.

Anyway sorry for the long post but I'm pretty passionate about this deck, let me know what you think.

Last edited by Piffguru (2015-04-03 15:49:05)

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

Piffguru wrote:

The perfect hand for me would be..
Turn 1: plains + Soldier of the Pantheon
Turn 2: plains + Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
Turn 3: mountain + Preeminent Captain
Turn 4: mountain + Fabled Hero + Hammerhand --Preeminent captain attacks bringing in another preeminent captain who brings out Brimaz, King of Oreskos + 1/1 cat soldier     (20 damage if unguarded)

Alternate turn 2-4:
Turn 2: Temple of Silence
Turn 3: mountain + Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit + Hammerhand
Turn 4: mountain + Preeminent Captain + Hammerhand / Bringing in the 2nd preeminent captain + Brimaz, King of Oreskos + 1/1 cat token     (14 damage if unguarded)

Just a nit-pick, when you attack with Preeminent Captain and bring in a second Preeminent Captain, you do not get to bring in another creature. The Captains ability only triggers when you declare it as an attacker in the Declare attacker step. When you do only then will it trigger his ability. The second one comes into play and has never been declared as an attacker so he gets no trigger.

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

valdor wrote:

Just a nit-pick, when you attack with Preeminent Captain and bring in a second Preeminent Captain, you do not get to bring in another creature. The Captains ability only triggers when you declare it as an attacker in the Declare attacker step. When you do only then will it trigger his ability. The second one comes into play and has never been declared as an attacker so he gets no trigger.

Oh wow I didnt realize that would be the case. thats huge. thx for pointing that out. It doesnt kill the idea for me though cause originally I wasnt planning on double dropping Preeminent captain, it was just one day I was playing a casual game and had 2 in my hand and thought whats stopping me from double dropping them. ill have to revise that best opening hand then.

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

The perfect hand for me would be..
Turn 1: plains + Soldier of the Pantheon
Turn 2: plains + Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
Turn 3: mountain + Preeminent Captain
Turn 4: mountain + Fabled Hero + Hammerhand -- Preeminent captain attacks bringing in Brimaz, King of Oreskos + 1/1 cat soldier     (18 damage if unguarded)

Alternate turn 2-4:
Turn 2: Temple of Silence
Turn 3: mountain + Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit + Hammerhand
Turn 4: mountain + Preeminent Captain + Hammerhand / Bringing in Brimaz, King of Oreskos + 1/1 cat token     (12 damage if unguarded)

Still gets its point across lol

Edit: Oh just thought bout it, so does that mean that Brimaz, King of Oreskos doesnt put out his 1/1 cat soldier either, cause brimaz wasnt around for the declaration of attackers?

Last edited by Piffguru (2015-04-03 16:49:56)

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

No problem. I figured that it wasnt your only huge play but you should still know. Honestly, I like the deck alot. I honestly think that you should drop the Red and pick up Green. I have seen it done before and it can absolutely wreck someone. He went:
T1: Forest then Elivish Mystic
T2: Plains then Captain
T3: Attack and bring out Anafensa or Brimaz. He also had mana up for Gods Willing or Valourous Stance. It me hands down. Ill edit to say more since I am at work right now

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

If I drop red which dont get me wrong Ive thought about plenty of times, the biggest hurt for me would be losing crackling doom and chained to the rocks. Those cards allow this deck to work, I would need equally good green removal cards to replace I believe.

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

Yes, this does mean that Brimaz will no longer get you a token. Also means Ankleshanker will not give First Stike and Deathtouch. I do understand what you mean with losing removal, but there is replacements. Banishing Light is usable, as well as Suspension Field. Valorous Stance is removal and protection. Glare of Herasy as SB removal. If you want to keep red then all good. Just pointing out what I have seen work in the past.

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

well ankle shanker isnt a soldier so it wouldnt be put out like the brimaz would. But yea I love green, its literally the only other color I thought bout switching to, I just currently think this works better, especially in terms of theme consistency, If I did green like you said Id probably have elvish mystic in and that would have to take the place of soldier of the pantheon so I would lose another potential soldier to free drop.

In terms of other removals, yea just looking at my SB I see some good replacements but especially with how good crackling doom is, doing damage and removing the largest creature and being able to bypass hexproof, that has been a life saver plenty of times for me.

Every time I try splashing green in I end up opening the door for ramping and putting in larger creatures and I end up messing up the flow of the deck.

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

Since I just got my 2nd launch the fleet I think that might be a better card to keep in main board instead of gods willing, gets me more creatures and triggers heroic on fabled hero. Though its still in the slot that I would use to SB when things go wrong.

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

Well I went 2-3 in the FNM

first round I lost to an abzadan control deck   0-2
second round I lost to a goblin rabblemaster type deck, it was close tho    1-2
third round I won against a jeskai type deck with mantis riders   2-0
fourth round my opponent left so I got a free win
fifth round against a abzan midrange deck     1-2

so I won 4 matches in total so I think it was somewhat successful. I had to mulligan like 5 times even with 23 land so I guess I just got unlucky. I sideboarded out the launch the fleet almost immediately and went with crater claws then wild slash then gods willing. My main problem seems to be against control decks.. I'm not sure what would of helped me against them but I probably would of been better off sideboarding out maybe all of my chained to the rocks for some defensive cards like gods willing or other protection cards.

On a side note I watched some people play flip it or rip it and ended up ripping up a polluted delta and an sarkhan unbroken. I find it quite retarded.

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

Well this forum section seems pretty dead but o well ill just talk to myself. I decided that dropping red might be a better idea than I previously thought. so I updated my list to be abzan, only im not really changing my creatures much.. just dropping the zurgo helmsmasher and ankle shanker for elite scaleguard. Abzan charm is such a versatile card so its gonna be a must, as well as dromoka's command. I found that my main problem at FNM was being controlled so hopefully my updated instants list will be more effective.

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

I like Dromoka's Command. I forgotten about this card. This is a good call. That way the opponensts Lightning Strikes and Stokes dont affect you as much and you can also fight your way through blockers. I love it. I kinda think it should be a full 4 if you can get access to them. I kinda like Ajani's Presence in the SB. Is there a reason of only 1 Hero's Downfall? That would really help in the Abzan Control matchup

Sorry I have not been responding as much as I would like too. Been planning my daughters 1st birthday party so I have been busy

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

oh congratulations, and dont worry, I just noticed this whole sub forum is kinda dead not just my thread lol.

and yea Im gonna get as many dromokas command as I can, and the heros downfall is only 1 cause I only have 1 lmao. I wish I had more but it hasnt happened yet. Well It hasnt been a priority up till recently to be honest. and ajani's presence is a nice card but ive also been thinking about how nature's panoply might work combined with elite scaleguard, I prefer the counters over until end of turn effects most of the time. And at that point it makes me want to try out gleam of authority, but I fear that I would have to many buff cards and not enough control/removal. But ill play test it with some friends. abzan ascendancy is another card I got 1 of right now and im trying it out but im not to sure if its a good idea, might be too expensive but replacing my cards with 1/1 flyers when they die isnt too shabby.

edit: also currently the heros downfall is in my SB and murderous cut is taking its place, I was on the fence about this card but with 4 evolving wilds and 2 fetch lands I actually end up having a decent amount of cards in the yard even without losing creatures. So the heros downfall will probably be for when I run into someone using elspeth or nissa. Also wow I just remembered bout Obelisk of Urd, too bad its not counters, so it wouldnt trigger the scaleguard. also I had tried running door of destinies in another deck back when it was legal and it just didnt work out so im a little skeptical bout this one.

Last edited by Piffguru (2015-04-06 05:10:13)

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

Admittedly the forum is slower than in months past, schedules and other priorities have limited my ability to comment on every post.

As for the deck, given that you're struggling against control decks, what do you propose as an option to combat them? 

The suggestion for Ajani's Presence in the SB likely comes not from the idea of pumping your creatures so much as making them indestructible to protect against control decks.  If you're struggling against that archetype you would be well suited to feature protection and indestructible effects in your SB.  Think Gods Willing, Feat of Resistance, or even Inspiring Call.  These let you respond to opposing removal and board wipes, maintaining threats on the board while most often enjoying a solid tempo boost.  Think for a moment about a board where you have two creatures with +1/+1 counters and leave three mana up going into the opponent's turn.  They tap out for Crux of Fate and you respond with Inspiring Call, drawing you two cards AND keeping your creatures alive.  That simple play likely ends the game in your favor...

So to that end, if you're struggling against control, tailor the SB more toward shoring up that match-up.  Similarly, if aggro is your problem, you toss in lifegain effects like Feed the Clan, Wall of Essence or roadblocks that they won't want to attack into like Hornet Nest.

I hope this is useful. Good luck!

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

Thx for responding tywooonetime, you have helped me in the past.

The nature's panoply idea was just another way of getting counters on my creatures to make use of the elite scaleguard's secondary ability of taping enemy defenders, but yes I understand what you are saying about the indestructible, thats also why I recently put Valorous Stance in the mainboard to try it out.

Im actually loving your idea about feat of resistance since it accomplishes both the permanent counter and temp indestructible, and inspiring call is dependent on having the counters on creatures already so I think it would be a little harder for me to include that in the mainboard but I can definitely see how it can win a game in the right situation. Then again once I get the anafenza, the foremost in the deck, plus with bolster from anafenza, kin-tree spirit, elite scaleguard, and I just threw in 1 armament corps instead of a 3rd elite scaleguard(but im not completely sold on it), with these I might be able to pull off keeping inspiring call in.

Currently my life gain is from my planeswalkers, they do a pretty good job of getting me life when I need it, and still thinking a 2nd Sorin might be worth buying. But as always your insight is always helpful. thx

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

You completely ignored blue as an option then?  one of the strongest aggro decks around is UW heroic (which is full of soldiers), you could easily splash red for things like jeskai charm and blue gives you evasion. The heroic creatures are very difficult to deal with and the colors have built in tools against control.

IMO, bile blight and heroes downfall don't really belong in an aggro deck. Neither do sorin or Ajani. i think you need to get back to the core of what the deck is about and that's putting down sticky threats and applying consistent pressure

also the heroic creatures are individually stronger than the soldier's your playing.  You're to deep on making the captain work.  If they blow up the captain your hosed.

EdiT: taking a 2nd look you're far closer to a midrange deck than an agro deck, might as well slap in some rhinos and more removal than perusing the captain plan.

last thought, ditch the evolving wilds, you're better off running basics for tempo reasons. You're not delving for anything so there's no reason to force them.

Last edited by elpablo (2015-04-08 21:58:43)

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

elpablo wrote:

You completely ignored blue as an option then?  one of the strongest aggro decks around is UW heroic (which is full of soldiers), you could easily splash red for things like jeskai charm and blue gives you evasion. The heroic creatures are very difficult to deal with and the colors have built in tools against control.

IMO, bile blight and heroes downfall don't really belong in an aggro deck. Neither do sorin or Ajani. i think you need to get back to the core of what the deck is about and that's putting down sticky threats and applying consistent pressure

also the heroic creatures are individually stronger than the soldier's your playing.  You're to deep on making the captain work.  If they blow up the captain your hosed.

EdiT: taking a 2nd look you're far closer to a midrange deck than an agro deck, might as well slap in some rhinos and more removal than perusing the captain plan.

last thought, ditch the evolving wilds, you're better off running basics for tempo reasons. You're not delving for anything so there's no reason to force them.

The awesome thing about Sorin is he still helps applying pressure in the form of getting Vampire tokens when you need them or gaining that life and pumping your creatures. He is good in this deck if you keep him as a 2-of.

I would also not really consider this as much of an aggro deck and say it is more of a tempo deck. So having efficient threat removal is a good thin if used in a strategic manner.

Last edited by valdor (2015-04-08 22:03:29)

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

Yea I couldnt think of the word but tempo deck fits perfectly for this deck. I did pretty much overlook blue cause I dont really like blue, just not my play style i guess. And the evolving wild is so I have a better way of guaranteeing getting a basic land I need at the given time. especially for basic mountains. But also I like having ways of thining the deck out which fetches like evolving wilds do for me. Admittedly this happens from bad shuffling or just bad luck but sometimes ill be in a situation where I have plenty of land and my last 2 draws were land, being able to shuffle my deck at that point helps get out of that land patch.

Ive thought bout the siege rhinos plenty of times, its a very strong card, but I dont want to stray from the soldiers in this deck. Besides everyone doing abzan is running rhinos, and personally I dont like having such a similar deck as others.

Last edited by Piffguru (2015-04-09 20:00:24)

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

Don't run bad fetches for "deck thinning" it's a complete waste.  The math just doesn't support it.  See link below and there are many other analysis done on the topic.  if you really need the fixing an evolving wild or two isn't the worst, but I wouldn't run 4.  You already have a bunch of tap lands and you're hurting your self by putting more lands into tap that don't provide any benefit. … -is-a-myth

If you are a tempo deck then, siege rhino is a huge tempo gain, it's a life swing and a brick wall and a threat all in one package.  it requires an immediate answer. If you're in the colors and not running the rhino you're playing a sub-par list.  The soldier theme only works if the best cards in your colors are soldiers, and in abzan colors they're just not.  You have several underpowered cards in the deck just for the sake of forcing the soldier synergy.

I'm not saying you can't make a working soldier deck in standard, but there are better colors to do it in.

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

Well this started as a mardu deck not an abzan deck.. and honestly the core of the soldiers idea is white.. I just changed it to abzan for the anafenza foremost primarily. I dont look at the deck like im running an abzan deck.. its a soldier deck first and foremost. no pun intended lol. so not having siege rhino doesnt really bother me at all. if I had them, then cool I would probably try it, but im not going out of my way to get some rhinos for this.

Now on the land issue, I admit im still tweaking the lands around so I dont run into that issue of always having tapped lands coming in, but I dont have enough good fetch lands to make up for it as of right now so I figured having less of the basic lands and swapping out for the evolving wilds would mean more chances of getting any of the given colors I need. And in fact after reading some of that thread you linked.. it seems that most people dont agree with his outcome and that deck thinning is still going to be beneficial.. the OP's reasoning was more about not wanting to hurt yourself from the lands like wooded landfall over and over. In the end I most likely will not have 4 evolving wilds in the deck but currently its been more beneficial then detrimental from what Ive noticed.

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

People disagreed because it challenges their assumptions... tongue

yes it does marginally "thin" your deck, but your talking about fractions of percentage points over many turns. Risk vs reward isn't worth it, unless you need fixing.  There's more than one article on the topic. Over many turns it helps, and if you add things like courser and scrylands to fetching then deck thinning draw/smoothing becomes substantial.

However, the tempo loss you lose for using evolving wilds is worse than the point of life from real fetches and you don't gain any draw smoothing as from the scry lands. And you're not using your graveyard to delve for anything. 

Lands aside for the moment, The main thing I was trying to point out that there are stronger synergies with soldiers in other colors, If you put preeminent captain in the heroic shell and he gets to attack all of a sudden the deck can go wide as well as build up big fatties with heroic pumps.  The soldier synergy is built in and it helps cover one of the decks weaknesses.  He's probably not a 4 of, though... 2 spots feels about right.

About Anafenza She's good, but only in a shell where she's part of a value oriented aggro package. Heir of the wilds into Anafenza into rhino is a strong play.  It works out to be a lot of damage in one turn that can be back breaking.  You're missing on that type of play.  Following anafenza with citadel siege or high sentinels isn't he same swing you're getting from rhino.

Elite skygaurds is just bad... It could be taken out for almost anything, at 5 mana your spells need to be closing the game, providing card advantage, or changing the board state.  This card does none of these.  The synergy with the captain is cute, but you have to consider the merits of the card on it's own.  If you draw that on turn 12 against UB control does it help you win the game?   Abzan typically tops out at 5 with ajani/wingmate rock as deep value plays.  One of the new dragons might be a good place to end a curve in this deck.

The last comment I'll make, You're playing hodge podge right now.  It's not a midrange deck, it's not an aggro deck and it has a mediocre tribal synergy with the soldiers.  you'd serve yourself better if you just chose one path and committed to it.

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

First of all.. thank you for the discussion, I love arguing my point so please dont take feelings from me disagreeing, but I dont plan on paying 5 mana to drop anything ever in this deck.. the 5 mana spot was kind of wasted in the past so instead I swapped it out for something that can drop for free.. hence the soldiers theme. and dropping a card that instantly bolsters 2 and can help most of my cards tap defenders isnt bad in my eyes and does alot of those things you mentioned that it didnt do. Instead of spending 5 mana on that 1 game changing card as you say.. I opted for being able to drop 2 cards at that turn and potentially a third with preeminent captain out. Now on the flip side, yes If I was spending the mana for that 5 drop I would probably want to put in a couple wingmate roc's or yes possible one of the dragons.

heroic is something that Im not big on for this deck anymore.. I tried it alot... like alot alot.. but I really wasnt liking it.. that felt like way more of a hodge podge by trying to mix soldiers with heroics.. there are only a couple of heroic cards that I would even entertain putting in this deck which are fabled hero and hero of iroas. And putting in hero of iroas as well as having heroic as a main mechanic I would need to have instants to ping the heroic which means losing more of my controlling/removal cards and thats a bad idea. From my experience, people with good decks dont care bout how big your creature gets.. it gets heros downfalled or abzan charmed asap so the heroic thing didnt impress me at FNM. Thats why instead I went for putting out more creatures at a faster pace and granted Its nowhere near perfect but its been more effective than my past heroic debacles.

I believe you mentioned before that U/W is better for soldiers but I dont really see how thats possible because from straight blue cards and blue white mixed cards the best im seeing is battlewise hoplite and thats just not gonna cut it. But you tell me if im missing something. … dard%22%5D

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

You're fine, i get where you're coming from you want your theme to work and be cohesive, and I'm suggesting things out side of that theme.  Sometimes the best cards and decks in magic don't follow a theme and i tend to recommend the best options available even if they're outside of someones theme. 

My reasons for being adamant though are not because I think you're theme is flawed, but the underlying strategy behind it.

I'll respond a little more to make my case.

but I dont plan on paying 5 mana to drop anything ever in this deck.

Outside of standard this is possible, but you _cannot_ plan on always cheating a creature into play in this format. People will interrupt your plan and make life difficult for you.  If you have a 5/6/7 mana card in your deck you better be able to cast it at a late point in the game and it better make impact.  At some point you will spend 5 mana to cast a 5 mana spell, or you will hold it in your hand way past the point of it having a meaningful impact on the game.  I don't know any MTG player worth their salt that would disagree with my statement here.   

Another reason why this particular card is out of place in this deck.  At 5 mana you're paying for a 2/3 body, yes it has a bolster effect, but that's irrelevant at the moment.  Your 5 mana gets beat by 2 mana (lightning strike), 3 mana (savage knuckle blade) and 4 mana (polukranos) and many many more spells.  if the scalegaurd is targeting itself then you could lose the creature and the effect. Bolster as a mechanic is bad... for a number of reasons, but mainly because the board state dictates the target of the ability and your opponent can manipulate that board state to their favor.

The strategy for a mid-range deck that plays removal is to play large impactful value oriented creatures, because your deck slots can only hold so many threats and you plan to manage the board in your favor.  As long as your dude beats their dude you can hold removal for larger threats.  It's a very simple strategy but very effective, but in order to work you _have_ to play the best cards available to you.

Incremental card advantage plays a huge part.  Which is why lots of abzan decks also play mana ramp, and plenty of scry effects.  Ramping into a turn 3 seige rhino is a big play.  Caryatids also gum up the board against small dorks and tokens letting you save your removal for bigger fish or more value in the case of bile blight. 

By comparison, your deck is on the removal plan and powerful midrange drops, anafenza, sorin... but the soldier plan is really not jiving with that strategy.  3 mana for 2/2 first strike barely pays for itself. Unlike rabblemaster that immediately puts dudes on the board, you have to attack with yours to get additional value.


Also, 5/8 of your creatures just immediately die to drown in sorrow/anger of the gods, which is part of the meta in a big way right now.  If that's all you drew that game then it's a board wipe against you.

to add the benefit of blue with soldiers is battlewise hoplite which is good, but also ordeal of thassa and aqueous form.  Those two cards alone push card advantage and evasiveness the deck needs.  The synergy literally pays for it self.  Putting in preeminent captain into this deck means it can go wide like the RW launch the fleet deck from the PT a while back. The strength of that deck was going so wide the opponent couldn't stop all the damage and being fast. 

Small creatures have to be fast because you cannot compete with the big drops that the GR decks are putting down right now.  They're running more creatures than you have removal and they will trade more efficiently.  Which again, is why midrange removal decks like the one you're currently build, also, play value oriented creatures with healthy sized butts.  They can trade up in value with some/most of the big GR creatures and save removal for the things they can't handle with their own dudes.

on the other side, you're not coming out of the gate fast enough against control.  They will be able to 1-1 you or better in the early game, and in the mid-late game you will not be able to get your midrange plan past counter magic and the large win conditions they play.

Last edited by elpablo (2015-04-15 12:57:37)

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

Very accurate statements I must say. Its still hard for me to change it so drastically, but I see where your coming from with aquous form.. honestly I forgot that was still standard legal, I feel like I havent seen it in like a year lol. And that card would make the preeminent captain get through much easier.

The anger of the gods/drown in sorrow, by the time a card like that hits the board I would bolsterd a couple times most likely so I wouldnt lose everything most likely also dromoka's command can deal with cards like that I would think, Also a side note to the bolster thing is that anafenza kintree, fabled hero, and the captain all start at 2/2 so alot of the time when I bolster I actually am making the choice of where to put the couter.

I Also love the ordeal cards.. ive been using the heliod one in a mono white deck to drop for 1 mana with hero of iroas. trigger heroic.. attack so I instantly have 2 counters from that card.. and usually I choose a card that has a counter already and I can instantly gain 10 life.. so I wouldnt mind a ordeal card for my fabled hero, not sure which one I would choose but it would either be the gain 10 life, search for 2 basic lands, or draw 2 cards.. Oh and I just realized that I didnt update my decklist completely.. Ive been trying out armament corps in that 5 mana spot aswell.. Its the largest 5mana drop soldier thats available and instead of bolster 2 its put 2 counters on 1 or 2 creatures and as a 4/4 it can escape those board wipes we spoke of. what do you think of having mayb 2 or 3 of those instead of the scaleguards. Also I have 2 dragonlord dromoka that might be ok for my big drop.

Also thinking of swapping out soldier of the pantheon for herald of anafenza who can atleast put counters and drop tokens when his usefulness isnt there anymore.

Attacking with the captain to get his usefulness is a drawback.. thats why I had been playing around with having a form of haste in this deck earlier.. but since im trying to drop red, I dont think there is another option to speed him up. Going wide was always the strategy with this deck.. thats why I chose to build it around preeminent captain so I can drop creatures faster.. Also have launch the fleet in SB cause I figured it would just make sense, but so far that slot has been better served with removal cards.

Last edited by Piffguru (2015-04-15 19:36:13)

Re: [Standard] Preeminent Captain + Soldiers

I think armament corps is a half decent 5 drop.  It's a 6/6 for 5 on an empty board which isn't bad.

I think herald fits your plan better,  but in my opinion with the direction you're taking the deck, i'd look into including some ramp... turn 1 elvish mystic, turn 2 captain, into turn 3 4 drop plus drop from your captain.  Otherwise you could play a tap land on turn 1  2 drop 3 drop and so on, to curve out.

If you got more pain lands (mana confluence, llanowar wastes) you could even drop anafenza on turn 3.  In short start your curve at 2/3 with ramp in your 1/2 slots.   I think the dragon is a good idea, it would also work if you had a little ramp to go with it.