Topic: Export problem

Hello Sebi,

When I try to export my inventory, the .CSV files is terrible. Everything goes into the first colomn and looks like this:

Count,Tradelist Count,Name,Edition,Card Number,Condition,Language,Foil,Signed,Artist Proof,Altered Art,Misprint,Promo,Textless,My Price,Rarity
2,0,Academy Ruins,Modern Masters,219,Near Mint,English,,,,,,,,,Rare

Is it possible that every item goes into different colomn?

I am using windows 7 with Excel 2013.


Re: Export problem

Hi Jackoqc

When you import the file in Excel, are you specifying that a comma is the delimiter and not tabs?

Data -> From Text -> * Delimited, X My data has headers -> X Comma

Re: Export problem

Thanks Sebi! Never knew I could do that.

<------------ idiot wink