Topic: [Modern Moderate Competitive] Blood Bond Tokens
The goal of this deck is to get Exquisite Blood and Sanguine Bond on the board at the same time and create an infinite loop of life gain that kills your opponent. Until that happens you generate white tokens with Lingering Souls, Raise the Alarm, and Spectral Procession. You can then sac these white tokens to Teysa, Orzhov Scion to exile your opponents creatures.
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad gives you some tokens and can make your tokens a threat all by themselves.
As part of the delaying tactic I plan to use Thoughtseize and Castigate for hand disruption.
Disciple of Griselbrand is the sac outlet to start the life gain and set the ball rolling.
I don't have any idea for a side board and would love some advice there.
I know there are better lands available, but I would like to keep this kind of on a budget. The expensive cards in the deck are ones I already have.
I think this seems like a fun interesting deck. I would welcome any and all input. Thanks for looking.