Topic: Introduction Thread, Welcome!

My name is Chris, I live in Gilbert and play mostly with friends at work, and the occasional tournament/game-day/pre-release/etc @ Game Depot in Tempe...

I wanted a place where we could list out local tournaments/ptq/trials, and get a local community started for some local trades and meta discussions.

Make sure to let your friends and fellow magic players know about deckbox and the Phoenix Metro group.

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Re: Introduction Thread, Welcome!

My name is Emma, I've been playing really, really casually for several years.

I mostly just play with friends, but I go to the occasional booster draft or sealed thing, whatever those are called.

I think my favorite nerd stores are Game Depot, Gamers Inn, and Samurai Comics.

Re: Introduction Thread, Welcome!

You should do the pre-releases. This past weekend for Avacyn Restored was a blast. There was almost 90 people at game depot! Much fun was had.

Re: Introduction Thread, Welcome!

I'm Brady and also in Phoenix. I'm looking for a regular EDH/commander group to play with. What's the word?