Topic: Virtually all my wants are foils and I have hundreds of them

I have several hundred wants that are almost exclusively foils but I also have tons of them.  If you are interested in any of them let me know and I will check your list for something I want, even if we don't have trade matches.  I seriously just want to trim some of the cards out of my trade binder..

I also have a bunch of foil Return to Zendikar foil basics which I'd like to trade for different arts of the same type.  What I am looking for is English
Plains #252
Island #259
Swamp #264
Mountain #265
Forest #271

I have all the other arts in English and have all the arts in German.  I'd like to do swaps art for art pretty much exclusively unless they are similarly valued lands.  No islands for forests basically.

Last edited by Myysterio (2016-05-11 19:33:03)

Re: Virtually all my wants are foils and I have hundreds of them

Interested in full art swap.

Re: Virtually all my wants are foils and I have hundreds of them

What you got?

What you want?

Last edited by Myysterio (2016-04-12 19:44:44)

Re: Virtually all my wants are foils and I have hundreds of them

I am collecting Foil Vanilla Creatures in all Languages, please check my wants here:

If you have something for me, I'll manage to get something you want ;-)
Friendly yours,

PS: please contact me through e-mail, you'll find it on my Page.

Re: Virtually all my wants are foils and I have hundreds of them

Am i trippin or is 274 a forest not a plains. Have an island 259 for sure. Im in need of island 256 and wastes 183
Have some other arts as well but will have to check later