Topic: Welcome!

As noted in the description, this is a group for those local to or passing through the Puget Sound region. I don't put specific geographic boundaries on that, and I am fine with members who wish to peer in as well. As one who has played since before The Dark, but not been exactly current the last few years, I am prone to Vintage and Legacy decks. That is the other focus of this group: people playing or wishing to play against such decks.

Please feel free to share ideas, offer critiques, and arrange games. If we get the member count up and people want it, I will happily arrange local games. Cafe Mox (Ballard), The Mox Boarding House (Bellevue), Around the Table (Lynnwood), and The AFK Tavern (Everett) are all good places to gather and play (R.I.P. AFK in Renton), and I would be open to other suggestions.