Topic: Trading oportunitites: column to show nr of cards that can be traded

Adding a column in the trading opportunities page, to show the number of cards, from both sides, that matches wish-tradelists.
Sometimes you just want to move large amount of cards or get rid of them.
Also, when you have a fairly updated playlist with a lot of small cards, this can help you to spot the trader that can send you a lot of cards in one batch.

Re: Trading oportunitites: column to show nr of cards that can be traded


I actually suggested more or less the same thing before
But, yeah would definitely be great to have that kind of information in the trading opportunities

Re: Trading oportunitites: column to show nr of cards that can be traded

Another +1 here. It's important for shipping costs, assembling the cards for a deck, and for trading up/down.

I recently came back to deckbox after a few months of inactivty and browsing through the trading opportunities could definitely be easier with this info.

Re: Trading oportunitites: column to show nr of cards that can be traded

I also just wanted to note that the value that can be received in trades on the trading opportunities page doesn't always seem to be right. For example, there are folks with whom I can trade a large number of (mostly small cards), for $30+ dollars in value, but shows as $0 on the trading opportunities page.