Silviu wrote:attikussz wrote:vad ca fistyke nu a pus intrebarea, adica nu vad niceieri. Era la ultimul fnm, W a avut pe masa Gideon Jura si a folosit abilitatea de +2, oponentul, lehel nu a avut nici o creatura pe masa, tura lui lehel. Lehel joaca pe Olivia Voldaren si paseaza tura. W foloseste abilitatea de 0 a lui Gideon si ataca. Lehel foloseste prima abilitate a Oliviei si apoi a doua. Deci il ia pe gideon pana are Olivia? si daca "creatura"schimba controleri in timp ce ataca se sfarseste attack phaseul sau da damage in playerul care era destinat ca defender?
Da...gideon ajunge sub controlul lui Lehel. Gideon este scos din combat( Vezi rulings la Act of Aggression) si ramane tapat(nu stiu daca are vreo importanta). Nu sunt 100% sigur daca Gideon ramane sub controlul lui Lehel si dupa sfarsitul de tura. De ar fi dupa mine as zice da(nu este vreo anume clauza incalcata).
Asta a fost o intrebare la Cranial Insertion pe pe data de 12.12.2011 (gasiti articolul aici:
ndles.html) Pentru cei care nu vor sa dea click pe link, am scos toata intrebarea, si partea care ne intereseaza am bold-uit-o:
"Q: If I ping an animated Gideon Jura with Olivia Voldaren's first ability, does he become a Vampire even though the damage is prevented, and does Olivia get a counter?
A: Yes and yes. Olivia Voldaren's ability does three things, and none of those things are conditional on the others succeeding. The damage is prevented, but the other two effects still happen.
Q: So I can steal him with Olivia's second ability?
A: That depends on when you do it. If you were hoping to ping Gideon on one turn and steal him later, that won't work because he'll stop being a Vampire when he stops being a creature. That is because Vampire is a creature type, and only creatures and tribals are allowed to have creature types. Olivia's effect is still there, but it can't do anything when Gideon is not a creature.
Even if Gideon is animated later, he still won't automatically be a Vampire again. The reason for that is that Gideon's animation effect has the later timestamp, and Olivia's effect is not dependent on Gideon's effect, so Olivia's effect is applied first, does nothing, and then Gideon's effect is applied. In order to make Gideon a Vampire, you'll have to activate Olivia's ability after Gideon has been animated.
However, if you have enough mana to activate both Olivia abilities on the same turn, go for it! The second ability creates a control-changing effect on the Vampire Gideon Jura that'll last as long as you control Olivia. Once this effect is created, it is locked in on that Gideon Jura regardless of what it looks like, so the effect will remain even when Gideon stops being a creature."