Topic: Has anyone tried trading IRL cards for MTGO cards?

I have a big magic collection, and about $800 worth of cards for trade. I've been meaning to get into MTGO, but beyond selling individual cards and using the money to buy stuff on mtgo, I don't really know how to get more online cards.

So, I'm curious. Is anyone interested/willing to trade real cards for MTGO tickets or MTGO cards?

H: All trades in my binder.

W: Staples for Burn. Fetches. Eidolon. So on.

Re: Has anyone tried trading IRL cards for MTGO cards?

I'm in the same boat and very interested to see what the community responds with. I'm really curious how the mailing of physical cards works compared to receiving the digital copies.

Re: Has anyone tried trading IRL cards for MTGO cards?

Generally doens't happen - pretty tough to find people  who want to sell out of MTGO and into paper.

Re: Has anyone tried trading IRL cards for MTGO cards?

Used to be a lot of threads around these parts on it not so much anymore, I've heard success stories of other sites doing it

Re: Has anyone tried trading IRL cards for MTGO cards?

Never had any luck. Probably easier to sell stuff and buy tickets. Actually, definitely easier.

Re: Has anyone tried trading IRL cards for MTGO cards?

I've tried, never worked out well. has a physical store and trades paper for MTGO at a bonus. Likely your best bet.  See:

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