Topic: Best way to sell low priced cards?

Started recently as a collector, I'm new at playing still. I have loads of cards that are doubles or from random sets. I'm wondering what's the best way to sell them. They are worth average 0.21 CAD. No one seems to want to trade for these cards with others at similar price points

I've sold a few high priced cards (2.00-25.00 each). I am currently selling a mix of 30 cards of the same color for 4.50 dollars, is this a good way to sell, by one or two colors or group by sets ? Or should I just make mixes of everything?

What are your preferences in buying mixed lots?

Last edited by Dumela (2017-06-06 04:23:40)

Re: Best way to sell low priced cards?

A lot of people that I see on all kinds of sites do a "Repack" where they take 10 chase cards add there value up, divide it up by how many repacks you're selling then add .9x to that.

Ex: You have 10 $25 cards, ($250) divide that by lets say 50 repacks. 250/50 = 5 multiply by 1.80 = $9. So now you have 5 cards packs that you sell for $9 a piece or 5 $7.50 a pop. You sell all 50 of them for 9 you just made $200. (9*50=450). Say you sell 15 for 7.5 and the rest for 9 (15*7.5 + 9*35 = 427.5) You're still making money.

Of course, this is frowned upon in some countries. Be careful before you do this. Some people do value boxes at my local flea markets. Using 500 count boxes of all kinds of rubbish with only 50 basics (pseudo deckbuilder's toolkit) for $15 dollars. Most of the time it's pack skaff that no one wants plus a few rares. Plebs that really have no idea what they're doing eat this up. I've seen some dude and his kid buy 15 of them all at once. But the thing is, you always have to include a couple of really good cards/planeswalkers in with them or no one will buy them.

Re: Best way to sell low priced cards?

Honestly anything under $1 i just sell to lgs as bulk. Usually 10 cents each

Re: Best way to sell low priced cards?

PerfectSpecimen ehhhh.... I'm not really a huge fan of that. Most of the time for them to give you 0.10 a piece for them you have to have a couple hundred at least. I always like to find newer players and get them to buy about $15 in actual cards and such and then I'll give them extra stuff for buying them from me. It's super good for them and makes them feel welcome. If they have a great experience such as that right off the bat they will always come back to you when they obtain more money and buy more expensive stuff from you, at least this has been my experience.

ALSO, you could just build a noob cube or big deck and play it at your LGS for shits and grins. Both of those formats are super cool. If you don't know what big deck is, look up Gameplays by Clonehead on youtube, find their very first big deck gameplay. SUPER fun.