Topic: Enhancement for collectors: % complete and $$$ to complete

It would be nice if the editions page (or a similar page for collectors, maybe a premium feature?) could show how much of a particular edition you have (a complete playset of 4 for a card being 100% for that card), and the price estimate of what it would cost to get the missing cards.

So, if a set had 100 different cards (each card counting for 1% of the total set, I'm keeping the math simple), and I was missing a single playset of a $10 card, the editions page would show the set as being 99% complete (1 whole playset missing), with $40 to go (4 * $10 card).

It would be even cooler if you could click on the "$40 missing" as a hyperlink to then bring up a shopping assistant that would be set to 4 of that missing card (or whatever the counts are).

Right now, I have to painfully export the card database page for that set to get the list of cards for an entire set (or use gatherer) because my inventory page doesn't list cards I have 0 of, and then export my inventory, merge the two lists, filter out anything that has more than 4, and the do the math to figure out how much I have to spend to complete the set.

This a lot of excel work and is tedious if my goal is to figure out which set is the cheapest one to complete currently, especially when prices vary so much over time.

It would also be nice if in addition to this, you could set how many copies of a card you consider to be a complete playset (4 being the default, 1 being for people who only want one copy, and 0 for people who don't want to collect that edition at all).

Just a thought.